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Original: Literatur zu einzelnen Tieren

by minev last modified 2007-05-12 12:51

References to publications, sorted by year and author.

There are 645 references in this bibliography folder.

Staiti, C
Agilulf e altri. Il lupo nell'antroponimia germanica dei primi secoli
In: Simbolismo animale e letteratura, ed. by Faraci, Dora. Vecchiarelli, Manziana Memoria Bibliografica. 42. , pp. 197-224.

Stanesco, M
Le lion du chevalier de la stratégie romanesque à l'emblème poétique
Littératures, 20:7-13.

Stanesco, M
Le lion du chevalier de la stratégie romanesque à l'emblème poétique
Littératures, 19:13-35.

Stauder, W
Asinus ad hyram
In: Festschrift für Helmuth Osthoff, ed. by U. Aarburg/P. Cahn, Tutzing, pp. 25-32.

Steadman, JM
Chaucer's eagle: A contemplative symbol
Publications of the Modern Language Association, 75:153-159.

Steier, A
In: Realencyclopädie der classischen Altertumswissenschaft, ed. by August Pauly/Georg Wissowa, vol. 4 A1, pp. 339-347.

Storm, M
The tercelet as tiger: bestiary hypocrisy in the Squire's Tale
Modern Language Notes(14):172-174.

Stricevic, G
The double-headed eagle: an imperial emblem?
Byzantine Studies Conference Abstracts of Papers (Madison), 5:39-40.

Strohmaier, G
Abu l-'Abbas - der Elefant Karls des Grossen
Mitteilungen des Instituts für Orientforschung, 17:365-368.

Strohmann, D
Zwei spätromanische Löwenskulpturen aus Riesenbeck
Westfalen, 66:131-137.

Szövérffy, J
"Et conculabis leonem et draconem". Embelishments of medieval Latin hymns: Beasts in typology, symbolism and simile
Classical folia, 17:1-4, 66-82.

Tally, JA
The Dragon's progress: The Significance of the Dragon in "Beowulf", the "Völsunga Saga", "Das Nibelungenlied", and "Der Ring der Nibelungen"
Denver, Univers. Press.

Tally, JA
The dragon's progress: the significance of the dragon in Beowulf, the Volsunga Saga, Das Nibelungenlied, and Der Ring der Nibelungen
Dissertation Abstracts International - A: The Humanities and Social Sciences, 44(6):1786-1787.

Tammisto, A
Representations of the kingfisher (Alcedo Attis) in Graeco-Roman art
Arctos, 19:217-242.

Teager, FE
Chaucer's eagle and the rhetorical colors
Publications of the MLA, 47:410-418.

Teuscher, S
Hunde am Fürstenhof. Köter und "edle zind" als Medien sozialer Beziehungen vom 14. bis 16. Jahrhundert
Historische Anthropologie, 6:347-369.

Thibout, M
L'éléphant dans la sculpture romane françoise
Bulletin Monumental, 105:183-195.

Thomas, H
Beispiele der Wandlung. Adler und Schlange als Natursymbole
Antaios, 12:48-57.

Thompson, DW
The birds of Diomede
Classical Review, 32:92-96.

Thorpe, L
Tristewell et les autres chiens de l'enfer
In: Jean Misrahi Memorial Volume: Studies in Medieval Literature, ed. by H.R. Runte et al, Columbia, SC, pp. 115-135.

Todisco, L
Il leone "custos iusticie" di Bari
Rivista dell'Istituto Nazionale d'archeologia e storia dell'arte, ser. 3, 10:129-151.

Topsell, E
The historie of serpents. Or, the second booke of liuing creatures
London, William Jaggard. Reprinted 1973. The Early English Experience 562. Amsterdam: Theatrum Orbis Terrarum..

Trachsler, R
"Si le gita / sor son dos, et si l'en porta" (Yvain, vv. 3445-46)
Reinardus, 7:183-194.

Trachsler, R
Quelques remarques à propos du mauvais léopard dans la littérature française médiévale

Trathnig, G
Frosch und Kröte auf welser Bildwerken
Oberösterreichische Heimatblätter, 8:99-102.

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