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Latest content created by this user

Article Reference
"Affen" 2010-01-18
Das Wiesel im Physiologus 2009-05-07
Elephas, Elefant 2009-03-08
Elephas, Elefant 2006-11-04
The Elephant in Medieval Legend and Art 2006-11-04
Bibliography Folder
Andere 2008-10-20
Gesamtbibliographie - oder? 2007-08-09
Original: Allgemein 2007-05-16
Original: Quellen (Sources) 2007-05-12
Original: Literatur zu einzelnen Tieren 2007-05-12
Bibliography List
Custom Set List: Quellen (Sources) 2006-12-15
Chicago List: Tier im Mittelalter allgemein 2006-12-15
MLA List: Quellen (Sources) 2006-12-15
List: Quellen (Sources) 2006-12-12
Smart Bibliography List
test_list_smart 2008-05-13
Bibref Custom Style
Author: Tittel - Publication Month (Year) 2006-12-15
Bibref Custom Style Folder
Bistyles 2006-12-12
Bibref Custom Style Set
Bibref Custom Style Set 2006-12-15
Book Reference
Les animaux dans la littérature. Actes du colloque de Tokyo de la Société Internationale Renardienne du 22 au 24 juillet 1996 à l'université Keoi 2008-04-26
Animals and the symbolic in mediaeval art and literature 2008-04-26
The Beast within. Animals in the Middle Ages 2008-04-26
The image of the stag. Iconographic themes in western art 2008-04-26
The medieval world of nature. A book of essays 2008-04-26
"animaliter" - Bibliographie-Datenbank 2014-01-06
Q&A 2007-10-23
3. Arbeitstreffen in Mainz 2007-03-12
Nächste Woche - Treffen in Trier! 2006-12-07
Thomas de Cantimpré Delphinus 2007-04-24
De generatione animalium - Delfinus 2007-04-20
Isidorus Delphinus 2007-04-20
Solinus Delphinus 2007-04-20
Tagesordnung März 2007.pdf 2007-03-12
Wolf 2007-04-24
Kranich 2007-04-24
minev 2007-03-20
Fuchs 2007-04-20
Einhorn 2007-04-20
Uniplan 2006-12-07
Inbook Reference
Die Tiere der Jagd und Walstatt in den eddischen Liedern 2010-01-20
Monstros: O rinoceronte e o elefante. Da ficção dos Bestiários à realidade testemunhal 2009-05-07
Ein "moralischer Physiologus" in Reimen 2007-01-11
Ein maere als Bîspel. Strickers Verserzählung ‚Der kluge Knecht‘ 2006-12-14
Das 'Manthier’. Zur Rolle des Menschen in der Tierepik, insbesondere im Froschmeuseler Georg Rollenhagens 2006-12-10
Large Folder
Manage 2006-11-08
Recent Changes 2012-11-29
News Item
Gast-Zugang 2007-10-02
Smart Folder
News 2008-04-13
Test_Smart 2007-10-22
Past Events 2006-10-26
Events 2006-10-26
All content created by minev…
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