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Original: Literatur zu einzelnen Tieren

by minev last modified 2007-05-12 12:51

References to publications, sorted by year and author.

There are 645 references in this bibliography folder.

Le Rider, P
Lions et dragons dans la littérature de Pierre Damien à Chrétien de Troyes
Le Moyen Age, 104:9-52.

Leach, M
God had a dog: Folklore of the dog
New Brunswick.

Leclercq, H
In: Dictionnaire d'Archéologie Chrétienne et de Liturgie, ed. by Fernand Cabrol, vol. 14.1, pp. 682-691.

Leclercq, H
In: Dictionnaire d'Archéologie Chrétienne et de Liturgie, ed. by Fernand Cabrol, vol. 14.1, pp. 304.

Leclercq, H
In: Dictionnaire d'Archéologie Chrétienne et de Liturgie, ed. by Fernand Cabrol, vol. 14.1, pp. 176.

Leclercq, H
In: Dictionnaire d'Archéologie Chrétienne et de Liturgie, ed. by Fernand Cabrol, vol. 3.2, pp. 2912-2913.

Lecouteux, C
Der Drache
ZfdA, 108:13-31.

Lecouteux, C
Euphorion, 72:339-343.

Lee, C
Le "chat rouge" de Guillaume d'Aquitaine
Reinardus, 13:123-134.

Lempertz, HC
In: Reallexikon zur deutschen Kunstgeschichte, ed. by ?, Stuttgart, vol. 1, pp. 187-195.

Lentacker, A and de Cupère, B
Domestication of the cat and reflections on the scarcity of finds in archaeological context
In: Des animaux introduits par l'homme dans la faune de l'Europe, ed. by ?, Liège Coll. hist. conn. zool.. 5. , pp. 69-78.

Lentini, R, Colace, P, and Cananzi, C
Un manuale d'uso sulla cura dei cani a Bisanzio: il Cynosophion di Demetrio Pepagomenos
In: Atti. Associazione Siciliana di Sanità veterinaria. Cefalù. 20-21 ottobre 1995, ed. by ?, vol. 2, pp. 119-130.

Leveque, P
Les grenouilles dans l'Antiquité. Cultes et mythes des grenouilles en Grèce et ailleurs
Paris, De Fallois.

Levi D'Ancona, M
The rabbit hutch and political allusions in the Visconti Hours
Arte Lombarda(50):7-19.

Leyerle, J
Chaucer's windy eagle
University of Toronto Quarterly, 40:247-265.

Librova, B
Quelques considérations sur les emplois figurés des noms du chien en français médiéval
In: Simbolismo animale e letteratura, ed. by Faraci, Dora. Vecchiarelli, Manziana Memoria Bibliografica. 42. , pp. 61-88.

Lidinsky, A
Le Aquila gemmigere di Federico II ed altre aquila sveve
In: Scritti di Storia dell'arte in onore di Mario Salmi, ed. by ?, Rome, pp. 325-349.

Lindner, K
Von der Haserey
Studien zur deutschen Literatur und Sprache des Mittelalters. Festschrift für Hugo Moser:287-313.

Lionarons, JT
"Sometimes the dragon wins": unsuccessful dragon fighters in medieval literature
In: Essays on Old, Middle, Modern English and Old Icelandic. In Honor of Raymond P. Tripp, Jr., ed. by Ed. Loren C. GRUBER. Edwin Mellen Press., Lewiston, vol. 60, vols. 1-2, pp. 301-316, Festschrift.

Lipton, S
Jews, heretics and the sign of the cat in the Bible moralisée
Word and Image, 8(4):362-377.

Lockwood, WB
The common Celtic termes for "starling" and "thrush"
Bulletin of the Board of Celtic Studies, 34:124-125.

Loi, V
La tipologia dell'agnello pasquale e l'attesa escatologica in età patristica
In: Fons vivus. Miscellanea liturgica in memoria di D.E.M. Vismara, ed. by ?, Rome, pp. 125-?.

London, HS
The greyhound as a royal beast
Archaeologica, 97:139-163.

London, HS
Lion or leopard
The coat of arms:291-292.

Losada Marti, PD
Le lézard héraldique
Hidalguía, 38:497-525.

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