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by Bibuser last modified 2007-08-02 16:51

References to publications, sorted by year and author.

There are 90 references in this bibliography folder.

Angheben, M
"Le combat du guerrier contre un animal fantastique: à propos de trois chapiteaux de Vézelay"
Bulletin monumental, 152(3):245-56.

Atwood Lawrence, E
The Centaur: Its History and Meaning in Human Culture
Journal of Popular Culture, 27(4):57-68.

Baker, S
Picturing the Beast: Animals, Identity and Representation
Manchester U. P.

Balss, H
Über die Deutung von weniger bekannten Fabeltieren in wissenschaftlichen Drucken des 15.-17. Jhs.
Philobiblon, 8:289-294.

Barret, C
The Bunyip And Other Mythical Monsters And Legends
Melbourne, Reed & Harris.

Beda, S and Marzari, F (ed.)
Animali, ibridi e mostri nella cultura antica
Firenze, I Quaderni del ramo d'oro. (ISBN: 978-88-7923-396-5).

Berman, R
In: Mythical and Fabulous Creatures: A Sourcebook and Research Guide, ed. by Malcolm South, Westport: Greenwood, pp. 147-153.

Bologna, C
Liber Monstrorum de Diversis Generibus

Bologna, C
La tradizione manoscritta del Liber monstrorum de diversis generibus (appunti per l'edizione critica)
Cultura neolatina: Bollettino dell'Istituto di filologia romanza, 34(3-4):337-346.

Bovey, A
Monsters and Grotesques in Medieval Manuscripts
Toronto, University of Toronto Press.

Breiner, LA
The career of the cockatrice
Isis, 70(1):31-47.

Burbank Bridaham, L
Gargoyles, Chimeres, and the Grotesque in French Gothic Sculpture
New York, Da Capo Press. Architecture and Decorative Art. 21.

Cames, G
A propos de deux monstres dans l''Hortus deliciarum'
Cahiers de civilisation médiévale, 11:587-603.

Cattabiani, A
Volario. Simboli, miti e misteri degli esseri alati: uccelli, insetti, creature fantastiche
Mailand, Mondadori.

Cherry, J (ed.)
Mythical Beasts
London, British Museum Press/Pomegranite Artbooks.

Cizek, A
Ungeheuer und magische Lebewesen in der 'Epistula Alexandri ad Magistrum Suum Aristotelem de Situ Indiae'
In: International Beast Epic, Fable and Fabliau Colloquium: 1979, Münster, ed. by Jan Goosens, Timothy Sodmann. Böhlau, Köln, Wien Niederdeutsche Studien. 30. , pp. 78-94.

Clark, A
Beasts and Bawdy
New York, Taplinger Publishing Company.

Clebert, J
Bestiaire fabuleux
Paris, Albin Michel.

Cohen, D
A Modern Look at Monsters
New York, Dodd, Mead and Company.

Costello, P
The magic Zoo. The natural History of Fabulous Animals
London .

De Rachewiltz, SW
De Sirenibus: An Inquiry Into Sirens From Homer To Shakespeare
Harvard, Harvard University.

Douchet, S
La peau de centaure à la frontière de l'humanité et de l'animalité
Micrologus, 13:285-312.

Driver, GR
Mythical Monsters in the Old Testament
In: Studi Orientalistici in onore di Giorgio Levi Della Vida. Instituto per L'Orienta, Rom, pp. 234-249.

Druce, GC
The Amphisbaena and its Connections in Ecclesiastical Art and Architecture
Archaeological Journal, 67:285-317.

Ebenbauer, A
Apollonius und die Sirene. Zum Sirenenmotiv im 'Apollonius von Tyrland' des Heinrich von Neustadt - und anderswo.
In: Classica et Mediaevalia: Studies in Honor of Josef Szöverffy, ed. by Irene Vaslef/Helmut Buschhausen, Washington/Leiden, pp. 31-56.

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