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by Bibuser last modified 2007-08-14 08:43

References to publications, sorted by year and author.

There are 11 references in this bibliography folder.

Barth, EK
Trapping reindeer in South Norway
Antiquity, 57:109-115.

Chung, I
"The Physiologus and 'The Whale'"
Medieval English Studies (Korea), 6:21-57.

Cook, AS
The Old English 'Whale'
Modern Language Notes, 9(3):65-68.

Déonna, W
Une clef de voûte de l'église La Madeleine à Genève: la chauve-souris et le lierre
Zeitschrift für schweizerische Archaeologie und Kunstgeschichte, 13:24-32.

Fielhauer, H
Das Motiv der kämpfenden Böcke
In: Festschrift für Otto HÖfler zum 65. Geburtstag, ed. by H. Birkhan et al, Wien, vol. ?, vols. 2, pp. 69-106.

Malaxecheverría, I
Castor et lynx medievaux: leur senefiance
Florilegium: Carleton University Annual Papers on Late Antiquity and the Middle Ages, 3:228-238.

Moulinier, L
Les baleines d’Albert le Grand
Médiévales, 22-23:117-128.

Owen, C
The domestication of the ferret
In: The Domestication and Exploitation of Plants and Animals, ed. by Peter J. Ucko/G.W. Dimblebyeds. Duckworthe, London.

Van Damme, D and Ervynck, A
Medieval ferrets and rabbits in the Castle of Laarne (East-Flanders, Belgium): a contribu­tion to the history of a predator and its prey
Helinium, 28:278-284.

White, jr., L
Indic Elements in the Iconography of Petrarch's 'Trionfo della morte'
Speculum, 49:201-221.

Wirz, P
Über die Bedeutung der Fledermaus in Kunst, Religion und Aberglauben der Völker
Geographica Helvetica, 3:267-278.

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