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by Bibuser last modified 2007-08-21 15:04

References to publications, sorted by year and author.

There are 38 references in this bibliography folder.

Rougeot, J
Origine et histoire du lapin
Ethnozootechnie, 27.

Schenda, R
In: Das ABC der Tiere: Märchen, Mythen und Geschichten, München: Beck, pp. 163-167.

Schenda, R
In: Das ABC der Tiere: Märchen, Mythen und Geschichten, München: Beck, pp. 137-142.

Schmidtke, D
Hase (lepus)
In: Geistliche Tierinterpretationen in der deutschsprachigen Literatur des Mittelalters (1100-1500), Berlin, vol. 1, vols. 2, pp. 300-304, Diss.

Schnapp, A
Les jeux du Lièvre et du Lapin: réflexion sur l'imaginaire des Grecs et des Naturalistes

Schweitzer, [
Chaucer's pardoner and the hare
English Language Notes(4):247-250.

Sheail, J
Rabbits and their history
Newton Abbot, U.K., David and Charles.

Société d'Ethnozoologie (ed.)
Le lapin - Aspects historiques, culturels et sociaux
Paris. Ethnozootechnie. 27.

Spaggiari, B
Cacciare la lepre col bue
Annali della Scuola Normale Superiore di Pisa. Classe di lettere e filosofia(12):1333-1409.

Van Damme, D and Ervynck, A
Medieval ferrets and rabbits in the Castle of Laarne (East-Flanders, Belgium): a contribu­tion to the history of a predator and its prey
Helinium, 28:278-284.

Veale, EM
The rabbit in England
The Agricultural History Review(5):85-90.

White, AJ
A medieval rabbit warren at Bardney?
Lincolnshire History and Archqeology(18):110-111.

Zadoro-Rio, E
Pares à gibier et garnues à lapin: contribution à une étude archéologique des territoires de chasse dans le paysage médiéval
Hommes et Terres Nord(2-3):33-39.

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