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Referenzen auf Publikationen, sortiert nach Erscheinungsjahr und Autoren.

Gardner Julian (2002).
Torriti's Birds
In: Medioevo. I modelli, ed. by A. Quintavalle. Electa, Mailand, pp. 605-614.

Gardner Julian (2002).
Torriti's birds
In: Medioevo: i modelli. Atti del Convegno internazionale di Studi, Parma, 1999, ed. by A. Quintavalle, Parma, pp. 605-614.

Gardner John (1975).
Guilt and the world's complexity: the murder of Ongentheow and the slaying of the dragon
In: Anglo-Saxon Poetry: Essays in Appreciation for John C. McGalliard, ed. by Lewis E. NICHOLSON and Dolores Warwick FRESE. University of Notre Dame Press, Notre Dame-London, pp. 14-22.

Garnier Annette (1993).
Le chat et l'usurier
In: Et c'est la fin pour quoy nous sommes ensemble. Hommage à Jean Dufournet, ed. by ?, Paris, pp. 619-629.

Garnier Annette (1993).
Le chat et l'usurier
In: Et c'est la fin pour quoy nous sommes ensemble. Hommage à Jean Dufournet, Paris, pp. 619-629.

Garnier Annette (1991).
Thèmes et variations sur la pie dans le monde médiéval
Le Moyen Age, 97:47-78.

Garnier François (1994).
Les significations symboliques du faucon dans l'illustration des bibles moralisées de la première moitié du 13e siècle
In: La chasse au vol au fil des temps, ed. by ..., pp. 135-142.

Garrett Robert (1909).
Precious Stones in Old English Literature
, München.

Garrigues A (1929).
Le charadrios, le loriot et l'ictère
La médecine pratique, 36(3):79-82.

Garrigues Marie-Odile (1986).
Honorius Augustodunensis. "De esu volatilium"
Studia Monastica, 28:75-130.

Garrod H.W (1929).
The Nightingale in Poetry
In: The Profession of Poetry and other Lectures, ed. by Heathcote William Garrod, Oxford.

Garver G.-W.M (1908).
Sources of the beast similar in the Italien lyric of the XIIIth century
RF, XXI:276-320.

Garver G.-W.M and McKenzie K (1912).
Il Bestiario Toscano secondo la lezione dei codice di Pasigi e di Roma
Studi Romanzi, VIII:1-100.

Garver M.S (1920).
Some supplementary Italian bestiary chapters
Romanic reiview, XI:308-327.

Garver Milton (1918).
Symbolic Animals of Perugia and Spoleto
The Burlington Magazine for Connoisseurs, 32(181):152, 156-160.

Gascón Uris Sergi (1995).
Materiales de bestiario en el Libre de beatitut (1436) de Johan Paschal
In: Medioevo y literatura, Actas del V Congreso de la Asociación Hispanica de Literatura medieval, ed. by Juan Paredes, Granada, vol. II, vols. IV, pp. 397-412.

Gasser Christoph (2003).
"Wilde Tiere" unterm Schlern
Der Schlern, 77:5-23.

Gasser Christoph (2000).
Imago venationis. Jagd und Fischerei im Spätmittelalter zwischen Anspruch und Wirklichkeit
In: Schloß Runkelstein - Die Bilderburg, ed. by André Bechthold, Bozen, pp. 411-430.

Gasser Christoph (2000).
Imago venationis. Jagd und Fischerei im Spätmittelalter zwischen Anspruch und Wirklichkeit
In: Schloß Runkelstein - Die Bilderburg, ed. by André Bechthold, Bolzano, pp. 411-430.

Gasser Christoph and Stampfer Helmut (1995).
Die Jagd in der Kunst Alttirols

Gasser Christoph and Stampfer Helmut (1995).
La Caccia nell'arte del Tirolo

Gaster M (1886-1888).
Il Physiologus rumeno
Archivio Glottologico Italiano, 10:273-304.

Gastle Brian (2002).
The Old and Middle English Beast Fable
In: A Companion to Old and Middle English Literature, ed. by Laura Cooner Lambdin/Robert Thomas Lambdin. Greenwood Press, Westport, Conn., pp. 69-85.

Gatewood Deborah (2000).
Illustrating a thirteenth-c. natural history encyclopedia: the pictorial tradition of Thomas of Cantimpré's "De natura rerum" and Valencienne's Ms. 320
Pittsburgh, Diss., Univ. of Pittsburgh.

Gathercole Patricia (1995).
Animals in medieval French manuscript illumination
Lewiston/Queenston/Lampeter, The Edwin Mellen Press. (ISBN: 0-7734-8991-6).

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