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You are here: Home Bibliographien II. Tiere in Tierallegorese und Tierkunde 1. Tierallegorese Bestiarien Trefn goddrych a berf yng ngosodiad cadarnhaol cyfieithiad Cymraeg o Bestiaire d'Amour [The order of subject and verb in the affirmative statement in Welsh translations of the Bestiaire d'Amour]
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T. A Watkins (1999)

Trefn goddrych a berf yng ngosodiad cadarnhaol cyfieithiad Cymraeg o Bestiaire d'Amour [The order of subject and verb in the affirmative statement in Welsh translations of the Bestiaire d'Amour]

In: Ildánach, Ildírech: A Festschrift for Proinsias Mac Cana, ed. by John Carey / John T. Koch / Pierre-Yves Lambert. Celtic Studies Publications, Andover, pp. 277-283.

by Bibuser last modified 2007-12-19 14:47
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