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by Bibuser last modified 2007-03-22 08:03

References to publications, sorted by year and author.

There are 353 references in this bibliography folder.

Clark, WB
Zoology in the medieval Latin bestiary
In: Man and nature in the Middle Ages, ed. by S.J. Ridyard / R.G. Benson, Sewanee (Tenn.) Sewanee Mediaeval Studies. 6. , pp. 223-245.

Clark, WB
The Aviary-Bestiary at the Houghton Library, Harvard
In: Beasts and birds of the middle ages. The bestiary and its legacy, ed. by Willene B. Clark/Meradith McMunn . University of Pennsylvania Press, Philadelphia, pp. 26-52.

Clark, WB and McMunn, M (ed.)
Beasts and birds of the Middle Ages. The bestiary and its legacy
Philadelphia, University of Pennsylvania Press. Middle Ages Series.

Cogliati Arano, L
Dal "Fisiologo" al "Bestiario" di Leonardo
Rivista di Storia della Miniatura, 1-2:239-248.

Cogliati Arano, L
Bestiari ed erbari dal manoscritto alla stampa
In: Le stampe e la diffusione delle immagini e degli stili, ed. by Henri Zerner. CLUEB, Bologna, pp. 17-22.

Cogliati Arano, L
Bestiari ed erbari: dal manuscritto alla stampa
In: Le stampe e la diffusione delle imagini e degli stili. Atti del XXIV congresso internazionale di storia dell'arte, Bologna 1979, ed. by H. Zerner, Bologna, pp. 17-22.

Cogliati Arano, L
Approcio metodologico al Bestiario medievale
In: Atti del I Congresso Nazionale di Storia dell'Arte, Roma 1978, ed. by xx, Rom, pp. 3-?.

Cole, RL
Beast allegory in late medieval sermon in Strasbourg. The example of John Geiler's "von den vier Lewengeschrei" (1507)
Bestia: Yearbook of the Beast Fable Society, 3:87-101.

Collins, AH
Sources in the bestiaries
Lounoisseur, CVI:238-243.

Collins, AH
Some XIIth-century animal carvings and their sources in the bestiaries
Connoisenz, CVI:238-243.

Cook, A and Pitman, JH
Old English Physiologus
New Haven, Yale University Press. Yale studies in English. 63.

Crespo, R
Una versione pisana inedita del "Bestiaire d'Amours"
Leiden. Collana romanistica leidense. XVIII.

Crespo, R
Una versione pisana del bestiaire d'amours
Leiden. Collana Romanistica Leidense. 17.

Cronin, G
The bestiary and the Medieval mind. Some complexities
MLQ, II:191-198.

Cullus, F
Dragons, serpents et reptiles dans un bestiaire manuscrit du XIVe siècle (B.R. Bruxelles Ms. 8327-42)
Louvain-la-Neuve, Mém. Licence, Université catholique de Louvain.

d'Ayzac, F
Les Bestiaires
Revue de l'Architecture, VII:66-97.

Dardano, M
Note sul bestiario toscano
Italio Dialettale, 30:29-117.

David, N
Notes on the Middle English Bestiary
Medium Aevum, 19:56-59.

Dawes, E
Vestiges des bestiaires dans la phraséologie française
Florilegium, 15:125-143.

de Beauvais, P
Le Bestiaire
In: Mélanges d'Archéologie, d'Histoire et de Litterature, ed. by Charles Cahier/Arthur Martin, Paris, vol. 2-4, vols. 4, pp. Bd. II: 106-232, Bd. III: 203-288, Bd. IV: 55-87.

De Lorey, E
Le Bestiare de l'Escurial
Gazette des Beaux-Arts, 77, ser. 6(14/2):228-238.

de M., X
Le Bestiaire de Mouza
Revue de l'art chrétien, 5:172-182.

de Mély, F
Le 'De monstris' chinois et les bestiaires occidentaux
Paris, E. Leroux.

de Solms, E
Bestiaire roman: textes médiévaux
La Pierre-qui-Vire, Zodiaque. Les Points cardinaux . 25.

Deschamps, N and Roy, B
L'univers des bestiaires. Dossier bibliographique et choix de textes
Le Bestiaire perdu = Etudes françaises, 10(3):231-282.

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