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by Bibuser last modified 2007-03-22 08:03

References to publications, sorted by year and author.

There are 353 references in this bibliography folder.

Beer, J
The new naturalism of "Le Bestiaire d'Amour"
, ed. by Brian Levy, Paul WackersReinardus, 1:16-21.

Beer, J
The Response to Richard de Fournival's Bestiaire d'amour
Teaching Language through Literature, 25(1):3-11.

Bennett, P
Some doctrinal implications of the "Camput" and "Bestiaire" of Philippe de Thaun
In: Epopée animale, fable, fabliau, Evreux, ed. by G. Bianciotto/M. Salvat. Presses Universitaires de France, Paris, pp. 95-105.

Berkey, M
Pierre de Beauvais. An Introduction to his works
Romance Philology, XVIII:387-398.

Bianciotto, G
De trois oiseaux symboliques dans les textes ancians. Aux sources du Bestiaire roman
Reinardus, 8:3-23.

Bianciotto, G
Sur le "Bestiaire D'amour" de Richart de Fournival
In: Epopée animale, fable, fabliau, Eveux 1981, ed. by G. Bianciotto/M. Salvat, Paris, pp. 107-119.

Bianciotto, G
Bestiaires du Moyen Age
Paris, Stock. Moyen âge. 35.

Bitterling, K
Physiologus und Bestiarien im englischen Mittelalter
Mittellateinisches Jahrbuch: Internationale Zeitschrift für Mediävistik / International Journal of Medieval Studies, 40(2):153-170.

Bitterling, K
Zur Quelle des 'Middle English Bestiary', 649-667
Anglia, 94(1-2):166-169.

Borghi Cedrini, L
Interrogativi sul "Bestiario" valdese
Bollettino della Società di Studi Valdesi, 145:35-44.

Borghi-Cedrini, L
Appunti per la lettura di un bestiario medievale. Il bestiario valdese
Turin, G. Giappichelli, vols. 2. Corsi universitari.

Bremond, C
Le bestiaire de Jacques de Vitry († 1240)
In: L'Animal exemplaire au Moyen Age, Ve-XVe siècles, ed. by Jacques Berlioz/Marie A. Polo de Beaulieu, pp. 111-122.

Brown, C
Bestiary lessons on pride and lust
In: The Mark of the Beast: The Medieval Bestiary in Art, Life, and Literature, ed. by Debra Hassig. Garland, NY/London, pp. 53-70.

Cabarcas Antequera, H
Bestiario del Nuevo Reino de Granada : la imaginación animalística medieval y la descripción literaria de la naturaleza americana
Santafé de Bogotá.

Caprettini, GP
Imaginaire, savoir et nature: notes sur l'allegorie animale au Moyen Age
Annals of the Archive of "Ferran Valls i Taberner's Library", 9-10:235-247.

Carlino, L
Un manoscritto spagnolo in Lombardia: il cod. 199 della Biblioteca Governativa di Cremona
Miniatura, I:19-36.

Carmody, F
Physiologus. The very ancient book of beasts, plants and stones, trans. from Greek and other languages
San Francisco, Book Club of California.

Carmody, F
Le diable des Bestiaires
Cahiers de l'Ass. int. des Etudes Françaises, 3-5.

Carrega, A
Il Bestiario moralizzato di Gubbio e la tradizione lirica italiana delle origini
In: Atti del V colloquio della International Beast Epic, Fable and Fabliau Society: Torino-St-Vincent, 5-9 settembre 1983, ed. by A. Vitale-Brovarone, Alessandria, pp. 243-258.

Castelvecchi, A
Sul testo del Bestiario moralizzato (Cod. V.E. 477)
Filologia e Crítica, 9:3-32.

Cattabiani, A
Bestiario. Dialogo sugli animali simbolici

Cella, M
Le fonti letterarie della simbologia medievale: i bestiari
In: Il Romanico. Atti del Seminario di studi, 8-16 sept. 1973, ed. by P. Sanpaolesi, Mailand, pp. 181-190.

Charbonneau-Lassay, L
Le Bestiaire du Christ. La mystérieuse emblématique de J-X

Clark, WB
A Medieval book of beasts. The Second-Family Bestiary. Commentary, Art, text and translation
Woodbridge, Boydell Press.

Clark, WB
Twelfth and thirteenth-century Latin sermons and the Latin bestiary
Compar(a)ison, 1:5-19.

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