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by Bibuser last modified 2007-03-22 08:03

References to publications, sorted by year and author.

There are 353 references in this bibliography folder.

Faraci, D
Per una determinazione della sfera di fruizione dei bestiari
In: Simbolismo animale e letteratura, ed. by Faraci, Dora. Vecchiarelli, Manziana Memoria Bibliografica. 42. , pp. 89-119.

Faraci, D
The bestiary and its sources: some examples
Reinardus, 7:31-44.

Faral, E
Notice sur le manuscrit latin de la Bibl. Nat. No. 3718
Romania, 46:239-?.

Febel, G and Maag, G (ed.)
Bestiarien im Spannungsfeld zwischen Mittelalter und Moderne
Tübingen, Gunter Narr. (ISBN: 3-8233-5176-1).

Forbest, TR
Medical lore in the bestiaries
Medical history, XII:245-253.

Fountain, C
From a Catalan Bestiary De la natura de la cerena
Cornell Working Papers in Linguistics (CWPL), 17:10-13.

Fountain, C
From a Catalan Bestiary, De la natura de la çerena
Cornell Working Papers in Linguistics, 17:10-13.

Féry-Hue, F
Richard de Fournival
In: Dictionnaire des lettres françaises. Le Moyen Age, ed. by Geneviève Hasenohr/Michel Zink. Fayard, Paris, pp. 1266-1268.

Féry-Hue, F and Segre, C
In: Dictionnaire des lettres françaises. Le Moyen Age, ed. by Hasenohr, G. / Zink, M., Paris, pp. 171-173.

García Arranz, JJ
Los bestiarios medievales como fuente de los emblemas naturalísticos europeos de los siglos XVI y XVII
In: Actas del VIII Congreso nacional de Historia del Arte, ed. by xx, Mérida, vol. 2, pp. 679-687.

Garver, G and McKenzie, K
Il Bestiario Toscano secondo la lezione dei codice di Pasigi e di Roma
Studi Romanzi, VIII:1-100.

Garver, M
Some supplementary Italian bestiary chapters
Romanic reiview, XI:308-327.

Gascón Uris, S
Materiales de bestiario en el Libre de beatitut (1436) de Johan Paschal
In: Medioevo y literatura, Actas del V Congreso de la Asociación Hispanica de Literatura medieval, ed. by Juan Paredes, Granada, vol. II, vols. IV, pp. 397-412.

Gaylord, KS
The Medieval Bestiary in the Golden Age: Allegory and Emblem in Gracián's ‘El Criticón’
Urbana-Champaign, PhD Diss, University of Illinois.

Gazdaru, D
Vestigios de Bestiarios medievales en las literaturas hispánicas e iberoamericanas
Romanistisches Jahrbuch, XXII:259-274.

Geddes, J
Observations on the Aberdeen bestiary
Reinardus, 11:67-84.

George, W
The living world of the bestiary
Archives of natural history, XII:161-164.

George, W
The bestiary: a handbook of the local fauna
Archives of natural history, X:187-203.

George, W and Yapp, B
The naming of the beasts. Natural history in the Medieval bestiary
London, Duckworth.

Germond, P
An Egyptian Bestiary
London, Thames & Hudson.

Gerritsen, WP
Memory’s Two Doors. Mnemotechnical Aspects of Richard de Fournival’s Bestiaire d’Amours and the Low-Rhenisch Morality book (Hannover, SLB, IV, 369)
In: Medieval Memory. Image and Text, ed. by Frank Willaert/Herman Braet/Thom Mertens/Theo Venckeleer, Turnhout Textes et études du moyen âge. 27. .

Gerritsen, WP
Das ‘Bestiaire d’Amours’ des Richard de Fournival und das sogenannte ‘Niederrheinische Moralbuch’ (Hannover, Niedersächische Landesbibliothek IV 369)
In: Schnittpunkte. Deutsch-Niederländische Literaturbeziehungen im späten Mittelalter, ed. by A. Lehmann-Benz / U. Zellmann / U. Küsters, Münster, pp. 215-222.

Gerritsen, WP
Waar is de Beestearis?
In: Een school spierinkjes. Kleine opstellen over middelnederlandse artes-literatuur, ed. by W.P. Gerritssen / A. Van Gijsen / O.S.H. Lie, Hilversum, pp. 68-71.

Giovanardi, C
Una redazione quattrocentesca del "Libro della natura degli animali"
L'Italia dialettale, 46:69-152.

Goldstaub, M and Wendriner, R
Ein tosco-venezianischer Bestiarius

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