References to publications, sorted by year and author.
There are 353 references in this bibliography folder.
Hoffman, MS
A forgotten bestiary: St. John's College, Cambridge, MS A. 15
Notes and queries, 244:445-447.
Holmberg, J
Eine mittelniederfränkische Übersetzung des "Bestiaire d'amours", mit altfranz. Paralleltext
Hommel, F
Der äthiopische Physiologus
Romanische Forschungen, V:13-36.
Honegger, T
The legacy of the bestiaries in Chaucer and Henryson
Reinardus, 12:45-65.
Hoogvliet, M
De ignotis quarumdam bestiarum naturis. Texts and images from the bestiary on mediaeval maps of the world
In: Animals and the Symbolic in Mediaeval Art and Literature, ed. by L. A. J. R. Houwen. Egbert Forsten, Groningen Mediaevalia Groningana. 20. , pp. 189-208.
Houwen, L
Lions without villainy: moralisations in a heraldic bestiary
In: The European Sun: Proceedings of the Seventh International Conference on Medieval and Renaissance Scottish Language and Literature, ed. by Graham Caie et al, East Linton, pp. 249-266.
Houwen, L
In: Dämonen, Monstren, Fabelwesen. Mittelalter-Mythen, ed. by U. Müller/W. Wunderlich, St. Gallen, vol. 2, pp. 59-75.
Houwen, L
The Deidis of Armorie. A heraldic treatise and bestiary
Edinburgh, The Scottish Text Society, vols. 2. (ISBN: 1897976097).
Houwen, L
Animal parallelism in medieval literature and the bestiaries: a preliminary investigation
Neophilologus, 78:483-496.
Houwen, L
Animal parallelism in Medieval literature and the bestiaries
Neophilologus, 78:1-14.
Houwen, L
Harley 6149, ff. 15v-42. A Scots translation of a Middle French bestiary
Studies in Scottish language and literature, 26:207-217.
Houwen, L
A Scots translation of a Middle Franck bestiary
Studies in Scottish literature, 25:207-217.
Houwen, L
A Scots translation of a Middle Franck bestiary
Studies in Scottish literature, 25:207-217.
Hüe, D
Bestiaire et culte marial. Entre tradition patristique et vocation encyclopédique
In: La transmission des savoirs au Moyen Age et à la Renaissance, ed. by P. Nobel, Besançon, vol. I, pp. 173-198.
Ives, SA and Lehmann-Haupt, H
An English 13th Century Bestiary: A New Discovery in the Technique of Medieval Illumination
New York, H. P. Kraus. Rare Books Monagraphs. 1.
Ives, SA and Lehmann-Haupt, H
An English thirteenth century bestiary. A new discovery in the technique of Medieval illumination
James, M
The bestiary
History, New Series, XVI, 61:1-11.
James, MR
The bestiary in the University Library Aberdeen
Univ. Library Bulletin, 36:1-3.
James, MR
Peterborough Psalter and Bestiary
James, MR
A Peterborough psalter and bestiary of the fourteenth century
Oxford, Roxburghe Club.
James-Raoul, D
Inventaire et écriture du monde aquatique dans les bestiaires
In: Dans l'eau, sous l'eau. Le monde aquatique au Moyen Age, ed. by D. James-Raoul / Cl. Thomasset. Presses de l'Université de Paris-Sorbonne, Paris Cultures et Civilisations médiévales. XXV. , pp. 175-226.
Jodogne, O
A propos du manuscrit du Bestiaire de Pierre de Beauvais
Annuaire du Cercle Pédagogique des Professeurs de l'Enseignement moyen sortis de l'Université de Louvain, XXIX:32-42.
Konstantinova, A
Ein Englisches Bestiar des zwölften Jahrhunderts in der Staatsbibliothek zu Leningrad
Deutscher Kunstverlag, Kunstwissenschaftliche Studien, IV.
Konstantinova, A
Ein englisches Bestiar des XII. Jh.s in der Staatsbibliothek zu Leningrad
Berlin. Kunstwissenschaftliche Studien. IV.
Krappe, AH
The historical background of Philippe de Thaün's Bestiaire
MLN, 59(5):325-327.