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by Bibuser last modified 2007-08-25 12:45

References to publications, sorted by year and author.

There are 213 references in this bibliography folder.

Gozzano, N and Thomas, F
In: Enciclopedia dell'arte medievale, ed. by Angiola Maria Romanini, vol. IV, pp. 23-31.

Grabar, A
L'empereur dans l'art byzantin. Recherches sur l'art officiel de l’empire d’orient
Strasbourg. Publications de la faculté des lettres de l’université de Strasbourg. 75.

Grand, R and Delatouche, R
L'Agriculture au Moyen Age de la fin de l'empire romain au XVIe siècle
Paris. L'Agriculture à travers les âges. III.

Griffin, E
Blood Sport: Hunting in Britain since 1066
New Haven, CT, Yale University Press.

Grimm, O
Wiesbaden-Breckenheim, Tissø and beyond – Some methodological remarks on bones of wild animals from continental and southern Scandinavian centres of power in parts of the 1st millennium AD
In: Hunting in northern Europe until 1500 AD. Old traditions and regional developments, continental sources and continental influences, ed. by Oliver Grimm / Ulrich Schmölcke. Wachholtz Verlag, Neumünster, pp. 333-342.

Grimm, O and Schmölcke, U (ed.)
Hunting in northern Europe until 1500 AD. Old traditions and regional developments, continental sources and continental influences
Neumünster, Wachholtz Verlag.

Grimm, O and Schmölcke, U
Results and future perspectives in relation to an overall concept of hunting-related research
In: Hunting in northern Europe until 1500 AD. Old traditions and regional developments, continental sources and continental influences, ed. by Oliver Grimm / Ulrich Schmölcke. Wachholtz Verlag, Neumünster, pp. 605-631.

Grube, E
In: Enciclopedia dell'arte medievale, ed. by Angiola Maria Romanini, vol. IV, pp. 33-37.

Guereau, A
In: Dictionnaire raisonné de l’Occident médiéval, ed. by Jacques Le Goff/Jean-CLaude Schmitt (dir.), Paris, pp. 166-178.

Guerreau, A
Les structures de base de la chasse médiévale
In: La Chasse au Moyen Age. Société, traités, symboles, ed. by A. Paravivini Bagliani/Baudouin Van Den Abeele, pp. 25-32.

Guerreau, A
In: Dictionnaire raisonné de l'Occident médiéval, ed. by J. Le Goff/J. Cl. Schmitt. Fayard, Paris, pp. 166-178.

Hanawalt, B
Men's games, king's deer: poaching in medieval England
Journal of medieval and renaissance studies, 18:174-93.

Hector, L
Chasse en Ardenne au Moyen Age
In: Mémorial Alfred Bertrany, ed. by xx, Arlon, pp. 103-120.

Helsinger, H
Images on the Beatus page of some medieval psalters
The art bulletin, 73:161-176.

Hofmann, G
Falkenjagd und Falkenhandel in den nordischen Ländern während des Mittelalters
ZfdA, 88:115-49.

Hvarfner, H (ed.)
Hunting and Fishing. Nordic symposium on life in a traditional hunting and fishing milieu in Prehistoric times up to the present day

Ickerodt, U
Barbed points through time – A hunting weapon between ethnoarchaeological argumentation and functional analysis
In: Hunting in northern Europe until 1500 AD. Old traditions and regional developments, continental sources and continental influences, ed. by Oliver Grimm / Ulrich Schmölcke. Wachholtz Verlag, Neumünster, pp. 113-145.

Indrelid, S
‘Industrial’ reindeer hunting in the south Norwegian mountains in the Viking Age and Early Middle Ages
In: Hunting in northern Europe until 1500 AD. Old traditions and regional developments, continental sources and continental influences, ed. by Oliver Grimm / Ulrich Schmölcke. Wachholtz Verlag, Neumünster, pp. 55-74.

Iversen, F
The name of the game! The changing role of hunting on royal land in Norway during the Middle Ages
In: Hunting in northern Europe until 1500 AD. Old traditions and regional developments, continental sources and continental influences, ed. by Oliver Grimm / Ulrich Schmölcke. Wachholtz Verlag, Neumünster, pp. 465-484.

Jankuhn, H
Archäologisches zur frühen Falkenbeize im Norden
In: Indogermanica. Festschrift für W. Krause, ed. by -, Heidelberg, pp. 31-37.

Jarnut, J
Die frühmittelalterliche Jagd unter rechts- und sozialgeschichtlichen Aspekten
In: L'uomo di fronte al mondo animale nell'alto medioevo (7-13 aprile 1983). La Sede del Centro, Spoleto, pp. 765-798.

Keen, M
Nobles' Leisure: Jousting, hunting and hawking
In: Il tempo libero, economia e società (Loisirs, Leisure, Tiempo libre, Freizeit) Secc. 13-18, ed. by S. Cavaciocchi, Florenz, pp. 307-322.

Klamt, J
Ein Jagdhorn in der Schatzkammer von Sankt Servatius in Maastricht
Wiener Jahrbuch für Kunstgeschichte, 46/47:275-85.

Krause, B
Die Jagd als Lebensform und höfisches "Spil"

Kronasser, H
Die Herkunft der Falkenjagd
Südostforschungen, 12:67-79.

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