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by Bibuser last modified 2007-10-10 11:10

References to publications, sorted by year and author.

There are 65 references in this bibliography folder.

Goldsmid, E
Un-Natural History, or Myths of Ancient Science

Gysseling, M
Corpus van Middelnederlandse teksten (tot en met het jaar 1300)
's-Gravenhage, M. Nijhoff. Reeks II: Literaire handschriften.

Holmer, G
Traduction en ancien italien de quelques chapitres du "Liber de Animalibus" d'Albert le Grand. Le manuscrit V.E.506
Studia Neophilologica, 38:211-56.

Hrabanus Maurus
De rerum naturis: Cod. Casin. 132, Archivio dell'Abbazia di Montecassino
Turin, Ed. by Guglielmo Cavallo, Priuli & Verlucca.

Kitchell, KF and Resnick, IM (ed.)
Albertus Magnus "On Animals": A Medieval "Summa Zoologica", Translated and annotated by Kenneth F. KITCHELL Jr. & Irven Michael RESNICK, Volumes 1 and 2
Baltimore/London, Johns Hopkins University Press. Foundations of Natural History. (ISBN: 0-8018-4823-7).

l'Ancien, P
Histoire naturelle
Paris, Ed. by Stéphane Schmitt, Gallimard. Bibliothèque de la Pléiade. 593.

Lambert de Saint Omer
Liber Floridus: codex autographus Bibliothecae Universitatis Gandavensis. Auspiciis eiusdem Universitatis in commemorationem diei natalis
Ghent, Ed. by Albert Derolez/Egied I. Strubbe, In aedibvs Story-Scientia.

Latini, B
The medieval Castilian bestiary from Brunetto Latini's Tesoro, study and edition
Exeter, Ed. by Spurgean Baldwin, Univ. of Exeter.

Latini, B
Llibre del tresor; versió catalana de Guillem de Copons
Barcelona, Barcino. Nostres clàssics: Collecció A v. 102.

Latini, B
Li Livres dou Trésor
Berkeley, Ed. by F.J. Carmody, University of California Press. University of California publications in modern philology. 22.

Lucretius Carus
On the Nature of the Universe
Toronto, Ed. by Ronald E. Lathan (trans.), Penguin Books Canada.

Maurus, H
De Rerum Naturis. Il Codice 132 Dell'Archivio Di Montecassino
Cassino, Università degli Studi di Cassino.

Maurus, H
De rerum naturis
, Ed. by William Schipper.

Maurus, H
Rabano Mauro 'De rerum naturis', Codex Casinensis 132 / Archivio dell' Abbazia di Montecassino
Priuli et Verlucca, Ed. by Guglielmo Cavallo, Pavone Canavese.

Neckam, A
De laudibus divinæ sapientiæ
(o. J.)
, Ed. by L.A.J.R. Houwen, National Research School for Medieval Studies.

Neckam, A
Alexandri Neckam De naturis rerum libro duo
London, Longman, Green. Great Britain. Public Record Office, Rerum britannicarum medii aevi scriptores. 34.

Orbán, AP (ed.)
Konrad von Mure "De naturis animalium"
Heidelberg, C. Winter. Editiones Heidelbergenses. 23.

Plinius der Ältere
The Historie of the World. Commonly called, The Naturall Historie Of C. Plinius Secundus, Translated into English by Philemon Holland
(o. J.)
, Ed. by Philemon Holland (trans.), James Eason.

Plinius der Ältere
Pliny the Elder: The Natural History
(o. J.)
, Ed. by Bill Thayer.

Plinius der Ältere
Natural History
London, Ed. by H. Rackham (trans.), Harvard University Press. Loeb Classical Library.

Plinius der Ältere
Naturalis historia
Frankfurt, Martin Lechler.

Das "Debrecener Pflanzen- und Tierbuch". Die illustrierte deutsche Ps.-Apuleius Handschrift Debrecen R 459. Faksimile, Edition, Übersetzung und Kommentare
Wiesbaden, Ed. by Arthur Groos, Bernhard Schnell, Dr. Ludwig Reichert Verlag.

Rebelo Gonçalves, MI (ed.)
Livro das aves
Lissabon, Edições Colibri. Obras clássicas da literatura portuguesa. 61.

Reifferscheid, A and Wissowa, G (ed.)
Tertulliani Scorpiace
Turnhout. CCSL 2.

Steele, R
Mediaeval Lore from Bartholomew Anglicus
London, Alexander Moring. King's Classics.

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