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Referenzen auf Publikationen, sortiert nach Erscheinungsjahr und Autoren.

Bambeck M (1972-1974).
Diverses appellations de la "belette" sur le territoire gallo-roman
Revista portuguesa de filologia, 16.

Bambeck Manfred (1972).
Hornvipern und Nattern (zu Inferno IX,41)
Deutsches Dante-Jahrbuch, 7:51-57.

Bammesberger Alfred (2012).
Beowulf's last fight (Beowulf, 2702b–2705)
Neuphilologische Mitteilungen, 113(2):165-167.

Bammesberger Alfred (2012).
Beowulf's last fight (Beowulf, 2702b–2705)
Neuphilologische Mitteilungen, 113(2):165-167.

Bammesberger Alfred (2007).
Ealond utan at Beowulf, line 2334a
Notes and Queries, 54(4):361-364.

Bammesberger Alfred (2007).
Ealond utan at Beowulf, line 2334a
Notes and Queries, 54(4):361-364.

Bang-Andersen Sveinung (2013).
Prehistoric reindeer hunting in south-west Norway with emphasis on the period 1000 BC to AD 1000 – Overview, retrospect and perspectives
In: Hunting in northern Europe until 1500 AD. Old traditions and regional developments, continental sources and continental influences, ed. by Oliver Grimm / Ulrich Schmölcke. Wachholtz Verlag, Neumünster, pp. 41-54.

Bangert Fr (1885).
Die Tiere im altfranzösischen Epos
Marburg. Ausgaben und Abhandlungen aus dem Gebiete der romanischen Philologie. 34.

Barabino G (1975).
Le voces animalium in Nonio Marcello
Studi Noniani, 3:33-36.

Baranowski Tadeusz and Gajewski Leszek (1997).
The Angel and the Dragon: two medallions from an early medieval hill-fort in Kalisz, Poland.
In: Art and Symbolism in Medieval Europe: Papers of the "Medieval Europe Brugge 1997" Conference, 5 , ed. by Guy DE BOE and Frans VERHAEGHE. Instituut voor het Archeologisch Patrimonium, Wetenschappelijke instelling van de Vlaamse Gemeenschap, Zellik, pp. 119-125.

Baratay Eric (1996).
L'Eglise et l'animal (France, XVIIe-XXe siècle)

Baratay E and Mayaud J.L (1997).
Histoire de l'animal. Bibliographie
Cahiers d'histoire, 42:443-480.

Barb A (1950).
Birds and Medical Magic: 1. The Eagle Stone; 2. The Vulture Epistle
Journal of the Warburg and Courtauld Institutes, 13:316-322.

Barb A (1950).
Birds and Medical Magic: 1. The Eagle Stone; 2. The Vulture Epistle
Journal of the Warburg and Courtauld Institutes, 13:316-322.

Barbas Helena (2000).
Monstros: O rinoceronte e o elefante. Da ficção dos Bestiários à realidade testemunhal
In: Portugal, Indien und Deutschland. Akten der V. Deutsch-Porutgiesischen Arbeitsgespräche / Portugal, India e Alemanha, ed. by H. Siepmann, Köln, pp. 103-122.

Barbas Helena (2000).
Monstros: O rinoceronte e o elefante. Da ficção dos Bestiários à realidade testemunhal
In: Portugal, Indien und Deutschland / Portugal, India e Alemanha , ed. by H. Siepmann, Köln, pp. 103-122.

Barbas Helena (2000).
Monstros: O rinoceronte e o elefante. Da ficçao dos bestiários a realidade testamunhal
In: Portugal, Indien und Deutschland/Portugal, Indian e Alemanha, ed. by Helmut Siepmann, Köln, pp. 103-122.

Barbas Helena (2000).
Monstros: O rinoceronte e o elefante. Da ficçao dos bestiários à realidade testemunhal
In: Portugal, Indien und Deutschland/Portugal, India e Alemanha, ed. by Helmut Siepmann, Köln, pp. 103-122.

Barber Peter and Brown Michelle (1992).
The Aslake World Map
Imago Mundi, 44:24-44.

Barber Richard (1999).
Bestiary: being an English version of the Bodleian library, Oxford MS Bodley 764: with all the original miniatures reproduced in facsimile. Translated and introduced by Richard BARBER
Woodbridge, Boydell Press, 2. ed. (ISBN: 0-85115-329-1 (hardback), 0-85115-753-X (paperback)).

Barber Richard (1993).
Bestiary : being an English version of the Bodleian Library, Oxford, MS Bodley 764 with all the original miniatures reproduced in facsimile
Woodbridge, Boydell.

Barbero Richart Manuel (1999).
Iconografia animal. La representación animal en los libros europeos de historia natural de los siglos XVI y XVII

Bare Garland (1969).
Plants and animals of the Bible

Barillari Sonia (2003).
Il cervulus e altre maschere medievali
In: Bestie, santi divinità. Maschere animali dell'Europa tradizionale, ed. by Piercarlo Grimaldi. Edizione Museo Nazionale della Montagna, Torino, pp. 168-179.

Barillari Sonia (2003).
Il cervulus e altre maschere medievali
In: Bestie, santi divinità. Maschere animali dell'Europa tradizionale, ed. by ?. Edizione Museo Nazionale della Montagna, Torino, pp. 168-179.

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