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References to publications, sorted by year and author.

Flores Nona (2000).
In: Trade, Travel and Exploration in the Middle Ages: An Encyclopedia, ed. by John Block Friedman/Kristen Mossler Figg. Garland Press, New York, pp. 175-178.

Flores Nona (1996).
'Effigies amicitiae...veritas inimicitiae': Antifeminism in the Iconography of the Woman-Headed Serpent in Medieval and Renaissance Art and Literature
In: Animals in the Middle Ages: A Book of Essays, ed. by Nona C. Flores. Garland Publishing, New York, pp. 167-195.

Flores Nona (1996).
'Effigies amicitiae...veritas inimicitiae': Antifeminism in the Iconography of the Woman-Headed Serpent in Medieval and Renaissance Art and Literature
In: Animals in the Middle Ages: A Book of Essays, ed. by Nona C. Flores. Garland Publishing, New York, pp. 167-195.

Flores Nona (1996).
Animals in the Middle Ages
New York/London, Routledge.

Flores Nona (1996).
Animals in the Middle Ages
New York/London, Routledge.

Flores Nona (1993).
The Mirror of Nature Distorted: The Medieval Artist's Dilemma in Depicting Animals
In: The Medieval World of Nature, ed. by J. E. Salesbury. Garland, New York/London, pp. 3-45.

Fluck H (1977).
Petit guide panoramique des herbes médicinales

Flutre L.F (1955).
A propos de l'édition Hilka du poème des Monstres des Hommes
Zeitschrift für Romanische Philologie, 71:422-448.

Foerste William (1960).
Von Reinaerts Historie zum Reinke de Vos
In: Münstersche Beiträge zur niederdeutschen Philologie, ed. by Felix Wortmann u.a., Köln/Graz Nieder-deutsche Studien . 6. , pp. 105-146.

Fonseca C (1973).
Hugues de Fouilloy entre l"ordo antiquus" et l'"ordo novus"
Cahiers de Civilisation Médiévale, 16:303-312.

Fontaine J (1983).
Isidore de Séville et la culture classique dans l’Espagne wisigothique
Paris, vols. 3.

Fontaine Jacques (1966).
La diffusion carolingienne du "De natura rerum" d'Isidore de Séville d'après les manuscrits conservés en Italie
Studi Medievali, 7:108-27.

Fontaine J (1960).
Isidore de Séville, traité de la nature
Bordeaux. Bibliothèque de l'Ecole des Hautes Etudes Hispaniques. 28.

Fontaine Resianne (2008).
Averroes' Commentary on Aristotle's De Generatione Animalium and Its Use in Two Thirteenth-Century Hebrew Encyclopedias
In: Islamic Thought in the Middle Ages: Studies in Text, Transmission and Translation in Honour of Hans Daiber, ed. by Akasoy, Anna / Raven, Wim. Brill, Brill, pp. 489-502.

Forbes T (1963).
Chalcedony and childbirth: precious and semi-precious stones as obstetical amulets
The Yale Journal of Biology and Medicine, 35:390-440.

Forbes T (1963).
Chalcedony and childbirth: precious and semi-precious stones as obstetical amulets
The Yale Journal of Biology and Medicine, 35:390-440.

Forbest Thomas (1968).
Medical lore in the bestiaries
Medical history, XII:245-253.

Ford Patrick (1990).
A highly important pig
In: Celtic language. Celtic culture. A Festschrift for E. P. Hamp, ed. by Ann T. E. Matonis / Daniel Frederick Melia. Ford & Bailie, Van Nuys.

Forest V (1997-98).
Alimentation carnée dans le Langnedoc médiéval: les témoignages archéozoologiques des vertébrés supérieurs
Archéologie du Midi médiéval, 15/16:141-160.

Forest Vianney and Rodet-Belarbi Isabelle (2011).
Viandes animales dans le Languedoc-Roussillon rural médiéval: Bilan 2010
In: Processing, Storage, Distribution of Food: Food in the Medieval Rural Environment, ed. by Jan Klapste, Petr Sommer. Brepols, Turnhout, pp. 91-112.

Forsyth Glene (1976).
The Ganymede capital at Vézelay
Gesta, 15:241-246.

Forsyth I (1976).
The Ganymede capital at Vézelay
Gesta, 15:241-246.

Forsyth Ilene (1978).
The Theme of Cockfighting in Burgundian Romanesque Sculpture
Speculum, 53:252-282.

Forsyth Neil (1987).
The Old Enemy. Satan and the Combat Myth
Princeton, Princeton University Press.

Forsyth William (1944).
The noblest of sports: falconry in the Middle Ages
Bulletin of the Metropolitain Museum of Art, XI:253-259.

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