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Zweifelsfälle beim Umordnen

by Bibuser last modified 2007-05-16 13:06

References to publications, sorted by year and author.

There are 176 references in this bibliography folder.

Spilsbury, P
The Concordance of Scripture: The homiletic and exegetical methods of St Antony of Padua
, The Franciscan Archive.

Sumner, C
Philosophie éthiopienne et textes classiques
, Rotary Club d'Addis-Abéba, Projet Polioplus.

Suomela Harma, E
'... li goupil ou li renart ont fosses...' (Mt 8,20)
Revue des Langues Romanes, 98(2):269-286.

Svane, G
Slavianskii fiziolog. Aleksandriiskaia redaktsiia: po rukopisi Korolevskoi biblioteki v Kopengagene: ny kongelig Samling 553 c
Aarhus, Denmark, Slavisk Institut, Aarhus Universitet. Arbejdspapirer 1987. nr. 1-2.

Svane, G
Slavianskii fiziolog. Aleksandriiskaia redaktsiia: po rukopisi Korolevskoi biblioteki v Kopengagene: ny kongelig Samling 147 b
Aarhus, Denmark, Slavisk Institut, Aarhus Universitet. Arbejdspapirer 1986. nr. 6-7.

Thompson, FG
A Scottish Bestiary: the Lore and Literature of Scottish Beasts
Glasgow, The Molendinar Press.

Tindall Wildridge, T
The Grotesque in Church Art
London, A. Brown & Sons, second ed.

Tokita Darling, M
"A sculptural fragment from Cluny III and the three-headed bird iconography"
In: Animals and the Symbolic in Mediaeval Art and Literature, ed. by L. A. J. R. Houwen. Egbert Forsten, Groningen Mediaevalia Groningana. 20. , pp. 209-23.

Travis, WJ
Of Sirens and Onocentaurs: A Romanesque Apocalypse at Montceaux-l'Etoile
Artibus et Historiae, 23(45):29-62.

Fiziolog: slovo o hodecim i letecim stvorenjima
Pozarevac, Branicevo. Biblioteka Stara srpska knjizevnost.

Van Caenegem, R
Introduction aux sources de l’histoire médiévale
Turnhout , Brepols. Corpus Christianorum. Continuatio Mediaevalis.

Van Den Abeele, B
Louis de Gruuthuse lecteur de Frédéric II
In: Francis Buysse (1949-2004). Plus est en vous. Liber amicorum, ed. by K. de Fays, pp. 39-41.

Van Den Abeele, B
Variations médiévales sur l'arbre de vie
In: L'arbre, symbole et réalité. Actes des journées universitaires de Hérisson, 21 et 22 juin 2002, ed. by M. Mazoyer et al.. L'Harmattan, Paris, pp. 175-201.

Van Den Abeele, B
Natura rerum: i regni della natura
In: Storia della scienza, ed. by Sandro Petruccioli. Istituto della Enciclopedia Italiana, Rom, vol. IV, pp. 175-178.

Van Den Abeele, B
I trattati sugli animali
In: Storia della scienza, ed. by Sandro Petruccioli. Istituto della Enciclopedia Italiana, Rom, vol. IV, pp. 438-441.

Van Den Abeele, B
Vivre et connaître
In: Vivre au Moyen Age. Un autre millénaire [catalogue d’exposition], ed. by XX, St-Gérard, pp. 88-96.

Van Den Abeele, B
L’art de voler le brochet
Bec et Ongles. Bulletin Jean de Beaune (Hérisson):6-14.

Van Den Abeele, B and Falmagne, T
L’édition des inventaires de livres des Ducs de Bourgogne (CCB V)
In: Middeleeuwse bibliotheken en boekenlijsten in de Zuidelijke Nederlanden /Les bibliothèques médiévales et leurs catalogues dans les Pays-Bas Méridionaux, ed. by W. Bracke / A. Derolez, Brüssel, pp. 77-85.

Wallace, S
Mostly Medieval - Exploring the Middle Ages: Fabulous Beasts in the Middle Ages
, Susan Wallace.

Walton, SA
"Theophrastus on Lyngurium: Medieval and Early Modern Lore from the Classical Lapidary Tradition"
Annals of Science, 58(4):357-79.

Walton, SA
Theophrastus on Lyngurium: Medieval and Early Modern Lore from the Classical Lapidary Tradition
Annals of Science, 58(4):357 - 379.

Waugh, A
The Folklore of the Merfolk
Folklore, 71(2):73-84.

Wersba, B and Tomes, M
The Land of Forgotten Beasts
, Atheneum.

Woodruff, H
Illustrated Manuscripts of Prudentius
Art Studies, VII:33-79.

Yates, D
"Parody in Isengrimus"
In: Épopée Animale, Fable, Fabliau , ed. by Gabriel Bianciotto, Michel Salvat. Presses Universitaires de France, Paris Actes du IVe Colloque de la Société Internationale Renardienne ..

Yousif, P
St Ephrem on Symbols in Nature: Faith, the Trinity and the Cross (Hymns on faith, no 18)
Eastern Churches Review, 10(1-2):52-60.

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