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References to publications, sorted by year and author.

Bedini Silvio (2000).
The pope's elephant: an elephant's journey from deep India to the heart of Rome

Bedini Silvio (2000).
The pope's elephant: an elephant's journey from deep India to the heart of Rome
New York.

Beelaerts van Blokland M (1964).
Quelques remarques sur le lion et l'aigle comme figures héraldiques
In: Recueil du 7è congrès international des sciences généalogique et héraldique, ed. by ?, La Haye, pp. 95-107.

Beelaerts van Blokland M (1964).
Quelques remarques sur le lion et l'aigle comme figures héraldiques
In: Recueil du 7e congrès international des sciences généalogique et héraldique, Den Haag, pp. 95-107.

Beer Jeanette (2003).
Beasts of love: Richard de Fournival's 'bestiaire d'amour' and a woman's response
Toronto, University of Toronto Press.

Beer Jeanette (2002).
A Gendered Debate from the Thirteenth Century
New Zealand Journal of French Studies, 23(2):34-39.

Beer Jeanette (1995).
Woman, authority and the book in the Middle Ages
In: Women, the Book and the Worldly: Selected Proceedings of the St Hilda's Conference, 1993, ed. by XX. D.S. Brewer, Cambridge, pp. 61-69.

Beer Jeanette (1995).
"Gendered discourse in two thirteenth-century bestiary texts"
Journal of the Institute of Romance Studies, 3:119-28.

Beer Jeanette (1991).
A fourteenth century "Bestiaire d'amour"
, ed. by Brian Levy, Paul WackersReinardus, 4:19-26.

Beer Jeanette (1989).
Richard de Fournival’s anonymous lady: the character of the response to the bestiaire d’amour
Romance Philology, 42:267-273.

Beer Jeanette (1989).
Le Bestiaire d'Amour en vers
In: Medieval translators and their craft, ed. by J. Beer, Kalamazoo Studies in Medieval culture. XXV. , pp. 285-296.

Beer Jeanette (1989).
Duel of bestiaries. On "Le Bestiaire d'amour" by Richard de Fournival, and the anonymous response appended to it in several manuscripts
In: Beasts and Birds of the Middle Ages. The Bestiary and its Legacy, ed. by Willene B. Clark / Meradith T. McMunn. University of Pennsylvania Press, Philadelphia, pp. 96-105.

Beer Jeanette (1988).
The new naturalism of "Le Bestiaire d'Amour"
, ed. by Brian Levy, Paul WackersReinardus, 1:16-21.

Beer Jeanette (1985).
The Response to Richard de Fournival's Bestiaire d'amour
Teaching Language through Literature, 25(1):3-11.

Beer Rüdiger (1977).
Unicorn: Myth and Reality
New York, Mason/Charter.

Beer Rüdiger (1972).
Einhorn. Fabelwelt und Wirklichkeit

Beer Rüdiger (1972).
Einhorn. Fabelwelt und Wirklichkeit
München, Georg Callwey, 2nd ed.

Beeson Ch.H (1913).
München. Quellen und Untersuchungen zur lateinischen Philologie des MA. 42.

Begg Christopher (1987).
The birds in Genesis 15: 9-10
Biblische Notizen, 36:7-11.

Begiebing H (1905).
Die Jagd im Leben der salischen Kaiser

Behr Charlotte (2010).
The power and function of images in northern Europe during the migration period
In: Cultural and Social History: The Journal of the Social History Society, vol. 7:4, pp. 453-466.

Beig Beder (1963).
Symbolisme de l’aigle
Zodiaque, 61:2-15.

Beig Beder (1963).
Symbolisme de l’aigle
Zodiaque, 61:2-15.

Beigbeder O (?).
Symbolisme de l'agneau
Zodiaque, 54:?.

Beigbeder O (1966).
Symbolisme du boeuf
Zodiaque, 70:2-18.

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