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References to publications, sorted by year and author.

Varnhagen H (1901).
Die Quellen der Bestiar-Abschnitte im Fiore di Virtù
In: Raccolta di studi critici dedicata ad A. d'Ancona, ed. by xx, Florenz, pp. 515-538.

Vartier J (1964).
Les procès d'animaux du Moyen Age à nos jours

Varty K (1963).
Reynard the fox and the Smithfield Decretals
Journal of the Warburg and Courtauld Institutes, 26:347-354.

Varty Kenneth (2000).
Reynard the Fox. Social Engagement and Cultural Metamorphoses in the Beast Epic from the Middle Ages to the Present
New York/Oxford, Berghahn Books. Polygons. Cultural Diversities and Intersections.

Varty Kenneth (1999).
Reynard, Renart, Reinaert and Other Foxes in Medieval England: The Iconographic Evidence
Amsterdam/Ann Arbor, MI, Amsterdam University Press/University of Michigan Press.

Varty Kenneth (1998).
The Roman de Renart: a guide to scholarly work
Lanham, Scarecrow Press.

Varty Kenneth (1991).
Animal Fable and Fabulous Animal: The Evolution of the Species with Specific Reference to the Foxy Kind
Bestia: Yearbook of the Beast Fable Society, 3:5-14.

Varty K (1983).
On birds and beasts, "Death" and "Ressurrection", renewal and reunion in Chrétien's romances
In: The legend of Arthur in the Middle Ages. Studies presented to A.H. Diverres, ed. by P.B. Grout et al., Woodbridge, pp. 194-212.

Varty Kenneth (1982).
The iconography of the medieval beast epic: from manuscript to printed page
In: The medieval Alexander legend and romance epic. Essays in honour of D.J.A. Ross, ed. by P. Noble et al., Millwood (NY), pp. 243-58.

Varty Kenneth (1980).
The Earliest Illustrated English Editions of Reynard the Fox; and Their Links with the Earliest Illustrated Continental Editions
In: Reynaert, Reynard, Reynke: Studien zu einem mittelalterlichen Tierepos, ed. by Jan Goossens, Timothy Sodmann. Böhlau, Köln, pp. 160-195.

Varty Kenneth (1978).
The Lion, the Unicorn and the Fox
In: Folklore Studies in the Twentieth Century, ed. by V[enetia] J. Newall. Brewer; Rowman & Littlefield, Woodbridge, UK/Totowa, N.J., pp. 412-418.

Varty Kenneth (1978).
The Lion, the Unicorn and the Fox
In: Folklore Studies in the Twentieth Century. Proceedings of the Centenary Conference of the Folklore Society, ed. by Venetia J. Newall. Brewer (Rowman & Littlefield), Woodbridge, pp. 412-418.

Varty Kenneth (1978).
The Lion, the Unicorn and the Fox
In: Folklore Studies in the Twentieth Century, ed. by Venetia J. Newall. Brewer; Rowman & Littlefield, Woodbridge, UK/Totowa, N.J., pp. 412-418.

Varty K (1976).
The beast epic, fable and fabliau

Varty K (1976).
The beast epic, fable and fabliau

Varty Kenneth (1975).
Further Examples of the Fox in Medieval English Art
In: Aspects of the Medieval Animal Epic, ed. by E. Rombauts/A. Welkenhuysen/G. Verbeke. Leuven University Press, Leuven, pp. 251-256.

Varty Kenneth (1975).
Further Examples of the Fox in Medieval English Art
In: Aspects of the Medieval Animal Epic, ed. by E. Rombauts/A. Welkenhuysen/G. Verbeke. Leuven University Press, Leuven, pp. 251-256.

Varty Kenneth (1967).
Reynard the Fox. A Study of the Fox in Medieval English Art
Leicester, Leicester University Press.

Varty Kenneth (1963).
Reynard the Fox and the Smithfield Decretals
Journal of the Warburg and Courtauld Institutes, 26(3/4):347-354.

Vassilieva-Codognet Olga (2013).
Ambiguous Figures of Otherness : Redoubtable Beasts in Princely Badges of the Late Middle Ages
In: Animals and Otherness in the Middle Ages: Perspectives across disciplines, ed. by García García, Francisco de Asís / Walker Vadillo, Mónica Ann / Chico Picaza, María Victoria. Archaeopress, Oxford, pp. 133-150.

Vaurie Charles (1971).
Birds in the prayer book of Bonne of Luxemburg
Bulletin Metropolitain Museum of Art, 29:279-81.

Veale E (1966).
The English fur trade in the later Middle Ages

Veale E (1957).
The rabbit in England
The Agricultural History Review(5):85-90.

Veale E (1957).
The rabbit in England
The Agricultural History Review(5):85-90.

Veas Arteseros Francisco (1987).
Acuerdos sobre pastos y caza en el reino de Murcia
In: Homenaje al profesor Juan Torres Fontes, ed. by XX, Murcia, vol. II, vols. 2, pp. 1713-24.

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