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References to publications, sorted by year and author.

Nickel Helmet (1974).
Two falcon devices of the Strozzi: an attempt at interpretation
Metropolitan Museum Journal, 9:229-232.

Nickel Johanna (1958/59).
Der Strauß mit dem Hufeisen im Schnabel
Hessische Blätter für Volkskunde, 49/50:195-202.

Niedermann Christoph (2002).
"Je ne fois que chassier". La chasse à la cour de Philippe le Bon, duc de Bourgogne
In: La Chasse au Moyen Age. Sociétés, traités, symboles, ed. by A. Paravicini Bagliani / B. van den Abeele , pp. 175-185.

Niedermann Chr (1995).
Das Jagdwesen am Hofe Herzog Phillipps des Guten von Burgund
Bruxelles. Archives et Bibliothèques de Belgique. 48.

Niehoff M (1996).
The phoenix in Rabbinic literature
Harvard Theological Review, 89(3):245-265.

Nielsen Karen (2002).
Ulv, hest og drage. Ikonografisk analyse af dyrene i stil II-III

Nielsen Karen (2002).
Ulv, hest og drage. Ikonografisk analyse af dyrene i stil II-III

Nigg Joseph (2002).
The Book of Dragons & Other Mythical Beasts
New York, Barron's.

Nigg Joseph (2002).
The Book of Dragons & Other Mythical Beasts
New York, Barron's.

Nigg Joseph (1995).
Wonder Beasts: Tales and Lore of the Phoenix, the Griffin, the Unicorn, and the Dragon
Englewood, Colo., Libraries Unlimited.

Nigg Joseph (1995).
Wonder Beasts: Tales and Lore of the Phoenix, the Griffin, the Unicorn, and the Dragon
, Libraries Unlimited.

Nigg Joseph (1995).
Wonder Beasts: Tales and Lore of the Phoenix, the Griffin, the Unicorn, and the Dragon
, Libraries Unlimited.

Nigg Joseph (1995).
Wonder Beasts: Tales and Lore of the Phoenix, the Griffin, the Unicorn, and the Dragon
Englewood, Libraries Unlimited.

NIJHUIS Letty (2007).
“Sumum menn wile þincan syllic þis to gehyrenne”: Ælfric on animals -- his sources and their application
In: Transmission and Transformation in the Middle Ages: Texts and Contexts, ed. by Kathy CAWSEY and Jason HARRIS, Dublin: Four Courts Press, pp. 65-76.

Nikolasch Franz (1969).
Zur Ikonographie des Widders von Gen. 22
Vigiliae Christianae, 23:197-223.

Nikolasch Franz (1969).
Zur Ikonographie des Widders von Gen. 22
Vigiliae Christianae, 23:197-223.

Nikolasch Franz (1963).
Das Lamm als Christussymbol in den Schriften der Väter

Nikolasch Franz (1963).
Das Lamm als Christussymbol in den Schriften der Väter

Nikolasch F, Paniet G, and Panvini Rosati F (1991).
In: Enciclopedia dell'arte medievale, ed. by Angiola Maria Romanini, Rom, vol. 1, pp. 220-227.

Nikolasch F, Paniet G, and Panvini Rosati F (1991).
In: Enciclopedia dell'arte medievale, ed. by Angiola Maria Romanini, Rom, vol. 1, pp. 220-227.

Nikulina Elena and Meadows John (2013).
Ancient DNA and stable isotope analysis – Two innovative scientific methods in the archaeology of hunting
In: Hunting in northern Europe until 1500 AD. Old traditions and regional developments, continental sources and continental influences, ed. by Oliver Grimm / Ulrich Schmölcke. Wachholtz Verlag, Neumünster, pp. 597-604.

Nirenberg David (2009).
'Was there Race before Modernity? The Example of "Jewish Blood" in late Medieval Spain'
In: The Origins of Racism in the West , ed. by Miriam Eliav-Feldon, Benjamin Isaac, Joseph Ziegler, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, pp. 232-264.

Nischik Marie-Traude (1989).
"Nutscap ende waer". Zu Übertragungstechnik und Belehrungsintention in Maerlant's "Der Naturen Bloeme"
NTg, 82:226-38.

Nischik Marie-Traude (1986).
Das volkssprachliche Naturbuch im späten Mittelalter. Sachkunde und Dinginterpretation bei Jacob van Maerlant und Konrad von Megenberg
Tübingen, Max Niemeyer. Hermaea. Germanist. Forschungen. 48.

Nischik Marie-Traude (1986).
Das volkssprachliche Naturbuch im späten Mittelalter. Sachkunde und Dinginterpretation bei Jacob van Maerlant und Konrad von Megenberg
Tübingen, Max Niemeyer. Hermaea. Germanist. Forschungen. 48.

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