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References to publications, sorted by year and author.

McFarland Deborah (1980/81).
Animal lore and medieval English sermon style
Dissertations abstracts international, 41A:4392.

McGrady Donald (1992).
"Eco's Bestiary: The Basilisk and the Weasel"
The Italianist: Journal of the Department of Italian Studies, University of Reading, 12:75-82.

McGrady Donald (1986).
The Hunter loses his falcon: notes on a motif from Cligés to La Celestina and Lope de Vega
Romania, 107:145-82.

McGrady Donald (1975).
"Eco's Bestiary: The Basilisk and the Weasel"
The Italianist: Journal of the Department of Italian Studies, University of Reading, 12:75-82.

McGrady Donald and Beach I (1975).
The Hawk Vanquishes the Eagle. Notes on a motif from Aeschylus to D'Annunzio
Romance Philology, 29:193-201.

McKenzie K (1914).
Per la storia dei bestiari italiani
Giornale Storico per la Letteratura Italiana, 64:358-371.

McKenzie K (1905).
Unpublished ms. of Italian bestiaries
PMLA, XX:380-433.

McKevan Keith (1991).
Two mediaval French references to the house cricket Achete Domesticus
Archives of natural history, 18:191-199.

McKinney L (1946).
Animal substances in Materia Medica. A study in the persistance of the primitive
Journal of the history of medicine and allied sciences, 1:149-170.

McMahon J (1991).
Atli the dog in the Atlakviða
Scandinavian Studies, 63:187-198.

McMahon J (1991).
Atli the dog in the Atlakviða
Scandinavian Studies, 63:187-198.

McMillan Douglas (1987).
The Phoenix
In: Mythical and Fabulous Creatures: A Sourcebook and Research Guide, ed. by Malcolm South, Westport: Greenwood, pp. 59-74.

McMunn Meredith (1996).
Animal imagery in the text and illustrations of the "Roman de la Rose"
Reinardus, 9:87-108.

McMunn Meraduth (1989).
"Bestiary influences in two thirteenth-century romances"
In: Beasts and Birds of the Middle Ages: The Bestiary and its Legacy , ed. by Willene B. Clark & Meradith T. McMunn. University of Pennsylvania Press, Philadelphia, pp. 134-150.

McNelis James (2001).
Parallell manuscript readings in the CT retraction and Edward of Norwich's "master of game"
The chancer review, 36:87-90.

McNelis James (1996).
A greyhound should have "eres in the manere of a serpent"
In: Animals and the symbolic in mediaeval art and literature, ed. by Luuk A. J. R. Houwen. Egbert Forsten, Groningen, pp. 67-76.

McNelis James (1996).
A Greyhound should have "eres in þe manere of a serpent". Bestiary material in the hunting manuals Livre de chasse and The Master of the Game
In: Animals and the symbolic in mediaeval art and literature, ed. by Luuk A. J. R. Houwen. Egbert Forsten, Groningen Mediaevalia Groningana. 20. , pp. 67-76.

McNelis James (1996).
The Master of Game
Heidelberg, Diss. Middle English texts.

McNelis James (1996).
A Greyhound should have "eres in þe manere of a serpent". Bestiary material in the hunting manuals Livre de chasse and The Master of the Game
In: Animals and the symbolic in mediaeval art and literature, ed. by Luuk A. J. R. Houwen. Egbert Forsten, Groningen, pp. 67-76.

Meaney Audrey (2002).
Birds on the Stream of Consciousness: Riddles 7 to 10 of the Exeter Book
In: Medieval Animals, ed. by Aleks Pluskowski, Cambridge Archaeological Review from Cambridge. 48. , pp. 119-151.

Meckelnborg Christina and Schneider Bernd (1999).
Opusculum fabularum: Die Fabelsammlung der Berliner Handschrift Theol. lat. fol. 142
Leiden, Brill. Mittellateinische Studien und Texte. 26.

Meens Rob (2002).
Eating animals in the early Middle Ages: Classifying the animal world and building group indentities
In: Animal/human boundary: historical perspective, ed. by Angela N. H. Creager/W. Ch. Jordan, Rochester Studies in comparative history. 2. , pp. 3-28.

Meens Rob (1995).
Van koningen en paarden: Gerald van Wales en het inanguratieritueel van de koningen van Kenellcunill
Millenium, 9:14-26.

Meens Rob (1995).
Van koningen en paarden: Gerald van Wales en het inanguratieritueel van de koningen van Kenellcunill
Millenium, 9:14-26.

Mehl Jean-Michel (1999).
La fauconnerie
In: Art & Société en France au XVe siècle, ed. by Christine Prigent, Paris, pp. 723-727.

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