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Hoogvliet Margriet (1996).
De ignotis quarundam bestiarum naturis. Texts and Images from the Bestiary on Mediaeval Maps of the World
In: Animals and the symbolic in mediaeval art and literature, ed. by Luuk A. J. R. Houwen. Egbert Forsten, Groningen, pp. 189-208.

Hook David (1984).
Andar a caça de perdizes con bueyes
Celestinesca, 8(1):47-48.

Hooper R (1985).
In defense of Catullus's Dirty Sparrow
Greece and Rome, 32:162-178.

Hooper R (1985).
In defense of Catullus' Dirty Sparrow
Greece and Rome, 32:162-178.

Hooper R (1985).
In Defense of Catullus's Dirty Sparrow
Greece and Rome, 32:162-178.

Hooper Vincent (1936).
Geryon and the Knotted Cord
Modern Language Notes, 51(7):445-49.

Hope J.M (1987).
Les âmes des martyrs, eschatologie et rétribution. Une iconographie visigothique
Archivo español de archeología, 155/156:173-193.

Hope J (1987).
Les âmes des martyrs, eschatologie et rétribution. Une iconographie visigothique
Archivo Español de Arqueologia(155-156):173-93.

Horden Peregrine (1992).
Disease, dragons and saints: the management of epidemics in the Dark Ages
In: Epidemics and Ideas: Essays on the Historical Perception of Pestilence, ed. by Terence Ranger and Paul Slack. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, pp. 45-76.

Hornell J (1946).
The role of birds in early navigation
Antiquity, 20:142-149.

Hornung Erik (1983).
Fisch und Vogel. Zur altägyptischen Sicht des Menschen
Eranos-Jahrbuch, 52:455-496.

Horowitz Sylvia (1981).
The Ravens in "Beowulf"
Journal of English and Germanic Philology, 80:502-511.

Horsfall N (1981).
From History to Legend: M. Manlius and the Geese
Classical Journal, 76:298-311.

Hortsmann H (1966).
Der Adler Karls des Grossen
Archivum heraldicum, 80:18-22.

Hortsmann H (1966).
Der Adler Karls des Grossen
Archivum heraldicum, 80:18-22.

Hossfeld Paul (1983).
Albertus Magnus als Naturphilosoph und Naturwissenschaftler
Bonn, Albertus Magnus Institut.

Hough John (1974-75).
Bird imagery in Roman poetry
The classical journal, 70:1-13.

Houghton W (1886).
Pelacan, a Name of the Egyptian Vulture

Houghton W (1884-).
The story of the Pelican feeding its young with its blood

Houlihan Patrick (1986).
The birds of ancient Egypt

Hourihane Colum (2011).
Judge or judged, notes on the dog in the medieval Passion
In: L'Allégorie dans l'art du Moyen Âge: Formes et fonctions. Héritages, créations, mutations, ed. by Cristian Heck. Brepols, Turnout, pp. 191-202.

Hourihane Colum (2000).
The virtous pelican in Medieval Irish art
In: Virtue and vice: the personifications in the Index of Christian Art, ed. by C. Hourihane. Princeton University Press, Princeton, pp. 120-147.

Houwen Lunk (2001).
Lions without villainy: moralisations in a heraldic bestiary
In: The European Sun: Proceedings of the Seventh International Conference on Medieval and Renaissance Scottish Language and Literature, ed. by Graham Caie et al, East Linton, pp. 249-266.

Houwen Lunk (1999).
In: Dämonen, Monstren, Fabelwesen. Mittelalter-Mythen, ed. by U. Müller/W. Wunderlich, St. Gallen, vol. 2, pp. 59-75.

Houwen Lunk (1994).
Print into Manuscript: A Manuscript Copy of Part of the "Boke of St. Albans"
In: Bocken in de Late Middeleeuwen, ed. by J. Hermans et al., Groningen, pp. 41-52.

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