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References to publications, sorted by year and author.

Hassal William (1978).
Bodley Herbal and Bestiary: MS. Bodley 130
Oxford. Oxford Microform Publications.

Hassal William (1976).
Major Treasures in the Bodleian Library
Oxford, Oxford Microform Publications. Medieval manuscripts in microform, series 1.

Hassall W.O (1976).
Les Bestiaires d'Oxford
Les Dossiers de l'Archéologie, XVI.

Hassall William (1978).
Medieval Animal Pictures
British History Illustrated, 5(2):20-25.

Hassall William and Hassall A (1976).
Treasures from the Bodleian Library
London, Gordon Fraser Gallery.

Hassig (1999).
The mask of the beast
New York/London, Routledge.

Hassig Debra (1999).
Sex in the bestiaries
In: The mark of the beast, ed. by D. Hassig. Garland, NY/London, pp. 71-97.

Hassig Debra (1999).
The Mark of the Beast. The Medieval Bestiary in Art, Life, and Literature
New York / London, Garland.

Hassig Debra (1999).
The iconography of rejection: Jews and other monstrous races
In: Image and Belief. Studies in Celebration of the Eightieth Anniversary of the Index of Christian Art, ed. by Colum Hourihane. Princeton University Press, Princeton, pp. 25-46.

Hassig Debra (1996).
Marginal Bestiaries
In: Animals and the symbolic in mediaeval art and literature, ed. by Luuk A. J. R. Houwen. Egbert Forsten, Groningen Mediaevalia Groningana. 20. , pp. 171-188.

Hassig D (1995).
Medieval bestiaries: text, image, ideology
Cambridge, Camb. Univ. Press.

Hassig Debra (1993).
Homo animal est, homo animal non est: Text and Image in Medieval English Bestiaries
, PhD Diss., Columbia University.

Hassig Debra (1993).
Homo animal est, homo animal non est: Text and Image in Medieval English Bestiaries
, PhD Diss., Columbia University.

Hassig Debra (1990-1991).
Beauty in the beasts: A study of medieval aesthetics
RES, 19-20:137-161.

Hassig Debra (1990-1991).
Beauty in the beasts: A study of medieval aesthetics
RES, 19-20:137-161.

Hassig Debra (1990-1991).
Beauty in the beasts: a study of medieval aesthetics
Res, 19-20:137-161.

Hathaway Nancy (1980).
The unicorn

Hathaway Nancy (1980).
The unicorn

Hatto Arthur (1966).
Poetry and the Hunt in Medieval Germany
AUMLA - Journal of the Australasian Universities Language and Literature Association, 25:33-56.

Hatto Arthur (1961).
The Swan Maiden: A Folk-Tale of North Eurasian Origin?
Bulletin of the School of Oriental and African Studies, 24:326-52.

Hatto A (1982).
The elephants in the Strassburg "Alexander"
In: The medieval Alexander legend and romance epic. Essays in honour of D. J. A. Ross, ed. by P. Noble et al. Millwood, New York, pp. 85-105.

Hatto Arthur (1982).
The Elephants in the Strassburg Alexander
In: The Medieval Alexander Legend and Romance Epic. Essays in Honour of David J. A. Ross, ed. by Peter Noble, Lucie Polak, Claire Isoz, Millwood et al.: Kraus International Publications, pp. 85-105.

Hatto Arthur (1980).
Das Falkenlied des Kürenbergers, Poetry and the Hunt in Medieval Germany
In: Essays on Medieval German and Other Poetry, ed. by A. T. Hatto, Cambridge.

Hatto Arthur (1971).
Wolfram von Eschenbach and the Chase
In: Et multum et multa, ed. by K. Lindner, Berlin/New York, pp. 101-12.

Hatto A (1968).
Herzeloyde's dragon dream
German Life and Letters, 22:16-31.

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