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References to publications, sorted by year and author.

Harting J.E (1978).
The ornithology of Shakespeare
Old Woking.

Harting J.E (1891).
Bibliotheca accipitraria : A catalogue of books ancient and modern relating to falconry
London. London, 1964 et 1977.

Harting J (1994).
A short history of the Wolf in Britain
Whitstable. reprint.

Hartle Paul (2009).
Sleeping with the Menagerie: Sex and the Renaissance Pet
In: Masculinities and Femininities in the Middle Ages and Renaissance, ed. by Kiefer, Frederick. Brepols, Turnhout, pp. 189-204.

Hartmann Lontra Hilda (1998).
O Livro das aves -- uma contribuiçao para o conhecimento da literatura portuguesa medieval
In: Actas do Quinto Congresso [Associação Internacional de Lusitanistas], Universidade de Oxford, ed. by Thomas F. Earle. Associação Internacional de Lusitanistas, Oxford, pp. 951-967.

Hartmann Heiko (2009).
Tiere in der historischen und literarischen Heraldik des Mittelalters. Ein Aufriss
In: Tiere und Fabelwesen im Mittelalter, ed. by Sabine Obermaier, Berlin: Walter de Gruyter, pp. 147-180.

Hartmann Sieglinde (2007).
Fauna and Flora in the Middle Ages. Studies of the Medieval Environment and its Impact on the Human Mind. Papers Delivered at the International Medieval Congress, Leeds, 2000, 2001 and 2002
Frankfurt a.M., Peter Lang. Beihefte zur Mediävistik. 8.

Hartmann Siegline (1984).
siteche unde tûben. Zur Vogelsymbolik im 'Helmbrecht'
In: Deutsch-französische Germanistik. Mélanges pour Emile Georges Zink, ed. by Sieglinde Hartmann/Claude Lecouteux , Göppingen Göppinger Arbeiten zur Germanistik. 364. , pp. 143-159.

Hartner Willy and Ettinghausen Richard (1964).
The Conquering Lion, the life Circle of a Symbol
Oriens, 17:161-171.

Hartz Sönke and Schmölcke Ulrich (2013).
From the Mesolithic to the Neolithic – Hunting strategies in the south-western Baltic Sea area
In: Hunting in northern Europe until 1500 AD. Old traditions and regional developments, continental sources and continental influences, ed. by Grimm, Oliver/Schmölcke, Ulrich. Wachholtz Verlag, Neumünster, pp. 21-40.

Harvey E (1996).
The swallow's nest and the spider's web
In: Studies in English language and literature: "Doubt Wisely" (Papers in honour of E. G. Stanley), ed. by M. J. Toswell/E. M. Tyler, London, pp. 327-341.

Harvey L.P and Hook David (1982).
The affair of the horse and the hawk in the "Poema de Fernán González"
MLR, 77:840-47.

Harwood Dix (1928).
Love for Animals and How it Developed in Great Britain
New York.

Hary Michel (1994).
Le jet à l'animal et le colin-maillard. Deux modes de décapitation de l'oie. L'exemple de l'espace français
In: L'oie de bon aloi, ed. by Jean-Pierre Lensen, Visé, pp. 140-149.

Haseloff Günther (1988).
Germanische und östliche Tierornamentik
In: Popoli delle steppe: Unni, Avari, Ungari. Settimane die studio (Spoleto 1987), ed. by xx, Spoleto, vol. II, pp. 681-707.

Haseloff Günther (1987).
Insular animal styles with particular reference to Irish art in the early medieval period
In: Ireland and insular art A.D. 500-1200. Proceedings of a conference at Univ. College Cork, 31 Oct. - 3 Nov. 1985, ed. by M. Ryan, Dublin, pp. 44-55.

Haseloff G (1981).
Die germanische Tierornamentik der Völkerwanderungszeit
Berlin, vols. 3.

Hasenohr G (1973).
Gace de la Bigne, maître chapelain de trois rois de France
In: Etudes de langue et de littérature du Moyen Age offertes à Felix Lecoy, Paris, pp. 181-92.

Haskins Ch.H (1929).
The Latin literature of sport
Speculum, 11:235-52.

Haskins Ch.H (1927).
Adelard of Bath
In: Studies in the History of Mediaeval Science, Cambridge, Mass., pp. 20-42.

Haskins C.H (1924).
Studies in the history of Medieval science

Haskins Ch.H.Haskins (1922).
King Harold's books
English Historical Review, 37:398-400.

Haskins Ch.H (1922).
Some early treatises on falconry
Romanic Review, 13:18-27.

Haskins Ch.H (1921).
The "De arte Venandi cum Avibus" of the Emperor Frederick II
English Historical Review, 36:334-55.

Hassal W.O (19xx).
Oxford University bestiaries and their publication as colour transparencies
In: Proceedings...coll. 75, Beast Epic..., ed. by K. Varty, pp. 50-60.

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