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References to publications, sorted by year and author.

Bain David (1990).
'Trading birds': an unnoticed use of πατέω (Cyranides, I.10.27, I.19.9)
In: Owls to Athens. Essays on Classical subjects presented to Sir K. Dover, ed. by E. M. Craik, Oxford, pp. 295-304.

Baird J.L and Kane J.R (1978).
Rossignol. An edition and translation
Kent (Ohio), The Kent State University Press.

Baird J (1993).
Bestiary: being an English version of the Bodleian library, Oxford MS. Bodley 764: with all the original miniatures reproduced in facsimile
Woodbridge, Boydell Press.

Baird Lorrayne (1983).
Christus Gallinaceus. A Chaucerian Enigma; or the Cock as symbol for Christ in the Middle Ages
Studies in Iconography, 9:19-31.

Baird Lorrayne (1981-82).
Priapus Gallinaceus: The Role of the Cock in Fertility and Eroticism in Classical Antiquity and the Middle Ages
Studies in Iconography, 7-8:81-112.

Baist G (1883).
Zeitschrift für deutsches Alterthum und deutsche Literatur, 27:50-65.

Baist G (1883).
Zeitschrift für deutsches Alterthum und deutsche Literatur, 27:50-65.

Baist G (1883).
Zeitschrift für deutsches Alterthum und deutsche Literatur, 27:50-65.

Baist G (1880).
Juan Manuel. Libro de la caza
Halle. Hildesheim 1984 .

Baker Craig (2004-2005).
De la version courte à la version longue du Bestiare de Pierre de Beauvais: nature et rôle de la citation
In: Le bestiaire, le lapidaire, la flore. Actes du colloque international université Mc Gill, Montréal 7-8-9 octobre 2002, ed. by Giuseppe di Stefano, Rose M. Bidler, Montréal Le moyen français. 55-56. , pp. 7-22.

Baker Craig (2004-2005).
De la Version courte à la Version longue du Bestiaire de Pierre de Beauvais: Nature et rôle de la citation
, ed. by Giuseppe di Stefano - Rose M. BidlerLe Moyen français, 55/56:7-22.

Baker Craig (2003).
Etude et édition critique de la version longue du 'Bestiaire' attribuée à Pierre de Beauvais
, Thèse Paris IV & PhD Rutgers University.

Baker Steve (1993).
Picturing the Beast: Animals, Identity and Representation
Manchester U. P.

BAKHOUCH Mohammed (2002).
L'onagre dans le Diwān d'al-Ahṭal
Arabica: Journal of Arabic and Islamic Studies / Revue d'études arabes et islamiques, 49(3):299-324.

Bakka Egil (1983).
Westeuropäische und nordische Tierornamentik des achten Jahrhunderts in überregionalem Stil III
Studien zur Sachsenforschung, 4:1-56.

Balaam N, Levitan B, and Straker V (1987).
Studies in palaeoeconomy and environment in south west England

Balabanov Todor (2001).
Za smisǔla na edin grǔtski nadpis ot manastira pri s. Chernoglavtsi, Shumensko
In: Izsledvaniya v chest na prof. Totyu Totev, ed. by Vasil GYUZELEV and Khristo TRENDAFILOV. Akademichno izdatelstvo "Prof. Marin Drinov", Sofiya, pp. 107-112.

Balabanov Todor (2001).
Za smisǔla na edin grǔtski nadpis ot manastira pri s. Chernoglavtsi, Shumensko
In: Izsledvaniya v chest na prof. Totyu Totev, ed. by Vasil GYUZELEV and Khristo TRENDAFILOV. Akademichno izdatelstvo "Prof. Marin Drinov", Sofiya, pp. 107-112.

Balachov Nicolas (1984).
Le Developpement des Structures Narratives du Fabliau a la Nouvelle
In: Épopée Animale, Fable, Fabliau: Actes du IVe Colloque de la Société Internationale Renardienne, ed. by Gabriel Bianciotto/Michel Salvat. Presses Universitaires de France, Paris, pp. 29-37.

Baldwin Anne (1967).
Henry II and the Owl and the Nightingale
Journal of English and Germanic Philology, 66:207-29.

Baldwin C (1970).
Sassanian ducks in a Western manuscript
Gesta, 9(1):3-10.

Baldwin Dean (1981).
Genre and Meaning in the Old English Phoenix
The Bulletin of the West Virginia Association of College English Teachers, 6(1-2):2-12.

Baldwin Spurgeon (1989).
Libro del Tesoro. Versión castellana de "Li Livres don Tresor". Edición y estudio

Bale Anthony (2003).
Fictions of Judaism in England before 1290
In: Jews in Medieval Britain: Historical, Literary and Archaeological Perspectives, ed. by XX, pp. 129-144.

BALES Carol (1989).
The Outer Limits : Border Characters in Medieval Manuscript Illuminations and Middle English Mystery Plays (Ph. D., dactyl.) [Ann Arbor Microfilms, 90-19873]
Cincinnati: Cincinnati Univers. Pr.

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