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References to publications, sorted by year and author.

Aðalsteinsson Jón (1998).
A Piece of Horse Liver: Myth, Ritual and Folklore in Old Icelandic Sources
Reykjavík, Haskolautgafan.

Aðalsteinsson Jón (1998).
A Piece of Horse Liver: Myth, Ritual and Folklore in Old Icelandic Sources
Reykjavík, Haskolautgafan.

Bacci Mina and Forlani Anna (1961).
Mostra di disegni di Jacopo Ligozzi (1547-1626)

Bach Nielsen C (1987).
Hver met sit naeb. Om fuglestemmer og ikonologi
Den Iconographiske Post, 3:1-17.

Bach Oliver (2016).
Rechtliches Gehör? Grimbart als Advokat des Listklugen in Michael Beuthers 'Von Reinicken Fuchs' (1544)
In: Reflexionen des Polititschen in der europäischen Tierepik, ed. by Jan Glück, Kathrin Lukaschek, Michael Waltenberger. Walther de Gruyter, Berlin, Boston, pp. 156-181.

Bachmann Hans (1980).
Ritter Konrad Kummersbrucker, Jägermeister in Oberbayern, und sein Urbar
Tiroler Heimat, 43(4):7-131.

Bachrach Bernard (1985).
Animals and warfare in Early Medieval Europe
In: L'uomo di fronte al mondo animale nell'alto medioevo (7-13 aprile 1983), ed. by XX, pp. 707-751, 753-764.

Bachrach Bernard (1985).
On the Origins of William the Conqueror's Horse Transports
Technology and Culture, 26(3):505–531.

Backhouse Janet (2001).
Medieval birds in the Sherborne Missal

Backhouse Janet (2001).
Medieval birds in the Sherborne Missal
London, The British Library. (ISBN: 0-7123-4705-4).

Backhouse Janet (1989).
Birds, beasts and initials in Lindisfame's Gospel books
In: St. Cuthbert, his Cult and his Community to A.D. 1200, ed. by Gerald Bonner/David Rollason/Claire Stanncliffe, Woobridge, pp. 165-74.

Bacou Mihaela (1985).
De quelques loups-garous
In: Métamorphose et bestiaire..., ed. by ..., pp. 29-50.

Bacou Mihaela (1985).
De quelques loups-garous
In: Métamorphose et bestiaire fantastique au Moyen Age, ed. by L. Harf-Lancner, pp. 29-50.

Badke David (2002).
The Old English Physiologus in the Exeter Book
, David Badke.

Badke David (2001).
The Bestiary of Anne Walshe
No source specified

Baer Raphael (2012).
St. Gallus. Geschichte - Legende - Interpretation
Niederuzwil, Verlag Bär.

Baeta Neves C (1983).
Subsidios para a história da falcoaria em Portugal
Boletim da Sociedade de geografia de Lisboa:21-46.

Bagatta Johannes (1700).
Admiranda christiani orbis...

Bagatti B (1953).
Uccelli nei pavimenti musivi delle cappelle funerarie palestinesi
Rivisti di archeologia cristiana, XXIX:207-14.

Bagby Albert and Carroll W.M (1971).
The falcon as a symbol of destiny: De Rojas and Shakespeare
RF, 83:306-310.

Bailey Mark (1990).
Coastal fishing of south east suffolk in the century after the Black Death
Proceedings of the Suffolk Institute of archaeology and history, 37:102-14.

Bailey Mark (1988).
The rabbit and the medieval east Anglian economy
Agricultural History Review(36):1-20.

Bailey Mark (1988).
The rabbit and the medieval east Anglian economy
Agricultural History Review(36):1-20.

Baillie-Grohman W.A (1909).
The master of the game by Edward, 2nd Duke of York

Baillie-Grohman W.A and Baillie-Grohman F (1904).
Master of Game by Edward, second duke of York

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