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References to publications, sorted by year and author.

Druce George (1919).
The elephant in medieval legend and art
Archaeological Journal, 76:1-73.

Druce Georg (1919).
The Medieval bestiaries and their influence on ecclesiastical decorative art
British Archaeological Journal, XXV(New Series):41-82.

Druce George (1915).
Some abnormal and composite human forms in English Church Architecture
Archaeological Journal, 72:135-186.

Druce George (1914).
Notes on Birds in Mediaeval Church Architecture
Antiquary, 50(416 (July); 417 (August); 419 (October)):248-252; 298-300; 381-384.

Druce George (1913-1914).
Animals in English wood carvings
Walpole Society, London (Annual Volume of the Walpole Society), 3:57-73.

Druce G (1912).
The Caladrius and its Legend, Sculptured upon the Twelfth-Century Doorway of Alne Church, Yorkshire
The Archeological Journal, 69:381-416.

Druce George (1911).
Notes on the History of the Heraldic Jall or Yale
Archaeological Journal, 68:173-199.

Druce George (1910).
The Amphisbaena and its Connections in Ecclesiastical Art and Architecture
Archaeological Journal, 67:285-317.

Druce George (1910).
The Amphisbaena and its connexions in ecclesiastical Art and Architecture
Archaeological Journal, 67:285-317.

Druce George (1909).
The Symbolism of the Crocodile in the Middle Ages
Archaeological Journal, 66:311-338.

Druce George (1909).
"The Sybill Arms At Little Mote, Eynsford"
Archaeologia Cantiana, 28:363-372.

Druce George (1909).
The Sybill Arms At Little Mote, Eynsford
Archaeologia Cantiana, 28:363-372.

Druce G (1908).
The symbolism of the goat on the Norman font at Thames Ditton
Survey Archaeological Collection, 21:109-112.

Druce G (1908).
The symbolism of the goat on the Norman font at Thames Ditton
Surrey Archaeological Collection, 21:109-112.

Drummond D (1997).
The Mérode Mouse trap and the missing clicket
Tools and trades, 10:37-40.

Drury R and Drury S (1931).
In Pursuit of Pelicans: unposted letters to friends
Concord, N.H.

Dröscher Vitus (1983).
Mich laust der Affe. 'Fabelhafte' Redensarten aus der Welt der Tiere
Frankfurt a.M./Berlin/Wien.

Du Mesnil Du Buisson R (1984).
L'histoire du dragon viking
Au Pays d'Argentelles, 8(3):113-121.

Du Mesnil du Buisson R (1984).
Histoire du dragon viking
Au Pays d'Argentelles, 8:113-121.

Du Mesnil du Buisson R (1984).
Les chiens d'Exmer
Au Pays Argentelles, 8:121-126.

Du Mesnil du Buisson R (1984).
Histoire du dragon viking
Au Pays d'Argentelles, 8:113-121.

Du Mesnil du Buisson R (1984).
Les chiens d'Exmer
Au Pays Argentelles, 8:121-126.

Du Mesnil Du Buisson R (1983).
L'origine de deux léopards de Normandie
Au pays d'Argentelles(8):62-71.

Du Mesnil Du Buisson R (1983).
L'origine de deux léopards de Normandie
Au pays d'Argentelles(8):62-71.

Dubarle R (1951).
Les renards de Samson
Revue du Moyen Age latin, 7:174-176.

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