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References to publications, sorted by year and author.

Dreszer M (1989).
L'animal dans les procédures religieuses du Moyen Age
In: L'Animal et pratiques religieuses: les manifestations matérielles, ed. by P. Meniel, Paris, pp. ???.

Drew Petty Kevin (1994).
The hyena, gender, and MS Bodley 764
, diss., Arizona State University.

Drewer Lois (1981).
Fisherman and Fish Pond: From the Sea of Sin to the Living Waters
The Art Bulletin, 63:533-547.

Driesch Angela and Boessneck Joachim (1988).
Haustierhaltung, Jagd und Fischfang bei den Bajuwaren
In: Die Bajuwaren. Von Seresin bis Tassilo 488-788, ed. by H. Daunheimer/H. Dopsch, Salzburg, pp. 198-207.

Driesch A (1983).
Falkenheilkunde. Ein historischer Überblick
Tierärztliche Praxis, 11:53-66.

Drigsdahl Erik (2000).
Bestiarium of Anne Walsh: A CHD Guide to the KB Online Digitized Facsimile
, Center for Håndskriftstudier i Danmark.

Driver G (1958).
Once again: Birds in the Bible
Palestine Exploration Quarterly, 90:56-58.

Driver G (1956).
Mythical Monsters in the Old Testament
In: Studi Orientalistici in onore di Giorgio Levi Della Vida. Instituto per L'Orienta, Rom, pp. 234-249.

Driver G (1955).
Birds in the Old Testament. II: Birds in life
Palestine Exploration Quarterly, 87:129-140.

Driver G (1955).
Birds in the Old Testament. I: Birds in law
Palestine Exploration Quarterly, 86:5-20.

Dronke Peter (2000).
Les animaux dans le Metrum Leonis et Ruodlieb. Deux images de la société humaine
Micrologus, 8:125-143.

Dronke Peter (1985).
La creazione degli animali
In: L'uomo di fronte al mondo animale nell'alto medioevo (7-13 aprile 1983), ed. by XX, Spoleto, pp. 809-842, Disk. 843-848.

Drout Michael (1993).
An investigation of the identity of the "Partridge" in the Old English Physiologus
University of Missouri - Columbia.

Druce C (1919).
The Elephant in Medieval Legend and Art
The Archeological Journal, 76:1-73.

Druce George (1938).
The Stall Carvings in the Church of St. Mary of Charity, Faversham (Kent)
Archaeologia Cantiana, 50:11-32.

Druce George (1934).
The sow and pigs. A study in metaphor
Archaeologia Cantiana, 46:1-7.

Druce George (1934).
The Pelican in the Black Prince's Chantry
Canterbury Cathedral Chronicle, 19:10-14.

Druce George (1925).
Chest at Chippenham Church (Wilts)
Journal of the British Archaeological Association, 31:230-236.

Druce George (1924).
Font in Brookland Church (Kent)
Journal of the British Archaeological Association, 30:76-83.

Druce George (1923).
An Account of the Mermecoleon or Ant-lion
Antiquaries Journal, 3:347-364.

Druce Georg (1920).
The Medieval bestiaries and their influence on ecclesiastical decorative art
British Archaeological Journal, XXVI(New Series):35-79.

Druce Georg (1920).
The Medieval bestiaries and their influence on ecclesiastical decorative art
British Archaeological Journal, XXVI(New Series):35-79.

Druce George (1919).
The elephant in medieval legend and art
Archaeological Journal, 76:1-73.

Druce Georg (1919).
The Medieval bestiaries and their influence on ecclesiastical decorative art
British Archaeological Journal, XXV(New Series):41-82.

Druce George (1919).
The legend of the serra or saw-fish
Proceedings of the Society of Antiquaries of London, 31:20-35.

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