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Portugiesische Literatur

by Bibuser last modified 2009-12-26 00:11

References to publications, sorted by year and author.

There are 3 references in this bibliography folder.

Brea López, M, Díaz de Bustamante, J, and Gonzalez Fernandez, I
Animales de referencia y animales de significación en la lírica gallego-portuguesa
Boletín de Filología, 29:75-100.

Keller, J
The depiction of exotic animals in Cantiga XXIX of the "Cantigas de Santa María"
Studies in honor of Tatiana Fotitch:247-253.

Longo, N
Gli animali nella lirica galego-portoghese sacra e profana. Primisondaggi
In: Simbolismo animale e letteratura, ed. by Faraci, Dora. Vecchiarelli, Manziana Memoria Bibliografica. 42. , pp. 185-195.

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