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Englische Literatur

by Bibuser last modified 2009-12-26 00:12

References to publications, sorted by year and author.

There are 58 references in this bibliography folder.

Amodio, MC
Affective criticism, oral poetics, and Beowulf's fight with the dragon
Oral Tradition, 10(1):54-90.

Atkinson, SCB
"Op; n p; næt an ongan ... draca ricsian"
Old English Newsletter, 14(2):38.

The Outer Limits : Border Characters in Medieval Manuscript Illuminations and Middle English Mystery Plays (Ph. D., dactyl.) [Ann Arbor Microfilms, 90-19873]
Cincinnati: Cincinnati Univers. Pr.

Bammesberger, A
Beowulf's last fight (Beowulf, 2702b–2705)
Neuphilologische Mitteilungen, 113(2):165-167.

Bammesberger, A
Ealond utan at Beowulf, line 2334a
Notes and Queries, 54(4):361-364.

Biggs, FM
Beowulf and some fictions of the Geatish succession
Anglo-Saxon England(32):55-77.

The “Ysengrimus”, Allegory and Meaning: A Historical, Theological, and Literary Study
Cambridge: Harvard Univers. Pr.

Bishop, C
Beowulf: the monsters and the comics
Journal of the Australian Early Medieval Association(7):73-93.

Brown, AK
The firedrake in Beowulf
Neophilologus: An International Journal of Modern and Mediaeval Language and Literature, 64(3):439-460.

Some dynamics of story-telling: animals in the early lives of St Cuthbert
Nottingham Medieval Studies, 43:1-20.

Chew, SC
Spenser's Pageant of the Seven Deadly Sins
In: Studies in Art and Literature for Belle Da Costa Greene, ed. by Dorothy Minor, Princeton, pp. 37-54.

Geoffrey's so-called animal symbolism and Insular Celtic tradition
Studia Celtica, 18-19:96-109.

Emerson, OF
Chaucer and medieval hunting
Romanic Review, 13:115-150.

Fink, H
Die sieben Todsünden in der mittelenglischen erbaulichen Literatur
Hamburg: de Gruyter. Britannica et americana. 17.

Frank, R
Three "cups" and a funeral in Beowulf
In: Latin Learning and English Lore, I: Studies in Anglo-Saxon Literature for Michael Lapidge , ed. by Katherine O'Brien O'Keefee and Andy Orchard. University of Toronto Press, Toronto, pp. 407-420.

Fraser, L
The dragon of Corriehills
Transactions of the Dumfriesshire and Galloway Natural History and Antiquarian Society(74):107-111.

Fuwa, Y
The red dragon in early Arthurian chronicles : its transformation and political implications
Hiyoshi Review of English Studies(52):1-22.

Gainsford, P
The deaths of Beowulf and Odysseus: narrative time and mythological tale-types
Classica et mediaevalia(63):247-278.

Garde, J
Christian and folkloric tradition in Beowulf: death and the dragon episode
Literature and Theology, 11(4):325-346.

Gwara, S
Beowulf 3074-75: Beowulf appraises his reward
Neuphilologus, 92(2):333-338.

Cultural symbols in translation: animal lore in late English and Scottish poetry
Micrologus: Natura, scienze e società medievali. Nature, Sciences and Medieval Societies, 8(2):489-509.

Honegger, T
Cultural symbols in transition: animal lore in late English and Scottish poetry
In: Il mondo animale - The World of Animals, Florenz, vol. 2 Micrologus. Natura, scienze e società medievali. tome VIII, 1-2. , pp. 489-509.

Houwen, LA
'From dumb beasts learn wisdom and knowledge.' Animal Symbolism in the 'Ancrene Wisse'
Das Mittelalter, 12(2):97-118.

Exemplum et similitudo: natural law in the Manciple's Tale and the Squire's Tale
In: Chaucer in Perspective: Middle English Essays in Honour of Norman Blake, ed. by Geoffrey LESTER, Sheffield: Sheffield Academic Press, pp. 100-117.

Keiner Blanco, K
Of 'Briddes and Beestes': Chaucer's Use of Animal Imagery as a Means of Audience Influence in Four Major Poetic Works
Los Angeles, diss., University Of Southern California.

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