References to publications, sorted by year and author.
There are 95 references in this bibliography folder.
Eckert, WP
Der Hund mit der Fackel und andere Attribute des hl. Dominikus
Symbolon, N.F., 5:31-39.
Edel, D
Geoffrey's so-calles animal symbolism and insular Celtic tradition
Studia Celtica, 18/19:96-109.
Elsensohn, F
Tiere der Heiligen. Ein kleines Stundenbuch der Heiligen und ihrer Legendentiere
Faucheux, C
Remarques sur le bestiaire du "Rosarius" et sur son auteur
In: XIV Congresso Intern. di linguistica e filologia romanza. Atti V, ed. by A. Varvaro, Neapel, pp. 433-43.
Ferguson O'meara, C
Saint Columba and the conversion of the animals in early insular art
Micrologus, 8:79-101.
Ferro Hernández, L
Las claves poéticas del "De naturis animalium" de Conrado de Mure (1280-81)
In: Poesía latín medieval (siglos V-XV). Actos del IV congreso del "Internationales Mittellateinerkomitée", ed. by M.C. Díaz y Díaz/J.M. Díaz de Bustamante, Firenze, pp. 335-350.
Figueiredo Frias, A
A utilizaçao autoniana do "De animalibus" de Aristoteles nos "Sermones"
In: Congresso internacional "Pensamento e testemonho. 8° centenário do nascimento de Santo António, ed. by xx, Prag, vol. I, pp. 377-386.
Friedmann, H
A bestiary for Saint Jerome. Animal symbolism in European religious art
Washington, Smithsonian Institution Press.
Gattucci, A
San Pier Damiani, il matrimonio, la castità e l'esemplarità animalesca
Studi medievali, 30:697-747.
Geybels, H
Dieren in de religieuze volkscultuur. Van instrumentalisering tot sentimentalisering
Volkskunde, 104:289-319.
Gnädinger, L
Tiere im Predigtwerk Johannes Taulers. Ihr mystagogischer Einsatz
In: Tierepik und Tierallegorese. Studien zur Poetologie und historischen Anthropologie vormoderner Literatur, ed. by Bernhard Jahn. Lang, Frankfurt am Main [u.a.], pp. 141-164.
Godron, G
La croix sur la tête d'un animal
Analecta Bollandiana, 98:381-385.
Grabmann, M
Der Liber de exemplis naturalibus des Franziskanertheologen Servasanctus
Franziskaner Studien, 7:85-117.
Grant, RM
Early Christians and Animals
London, Routledge.
Guilbert, L
L'animal dans la "Légende Dorée"
In: "Legenda aurea": Sept siècles de diffusion (Actes du coll. intern. sur la "Legenda aurea"... Montreal 11.-12. mai 1983, ed. by xx, Montreal/Paris, pp. 77-89.
Harry, P
A comparative study of the Aesopic fable in Nicole Bozon
Baltimore, Diss., Univ. of Cincinnati. Univ. studies, 2nd serie I. 2.
Herzog, U
Vorschein der "neuen Erde". Der Heilige und die Tiere in der mittelalterlichen Legende
In: Verborum amor. Studien zur Geschichte und Kunst der deutschen Sprache (FS Stefan Sonderegger), ed. by Harald Burger et al.. de Gruyter (?), Berlin, New York, pp. 249-262.
Hesbert, R
Le bestiaire de Grégoire
In: Grégoire le Grand. Chantilly, 15-19 sept. 1982, ed. by J. Fontaine/R. Gillet/S. Pellistrandi, Paris Colloques internationaux du CNRS., pp. 455-66.
Hobgood-Oster, L
Holy Dogs and Asses: Stories Told through Animal Saints
In: What Are the Animals to Us? Approaches from Science, Religion, Folklore, Literature, and Art, ed. by Aftandilian, Dave / Copeland, Marion / Wilson, David Scofield. University of Tennessee, Knoxville, pp. 189-203.
Horden, P
Disease, dragons and saints: the management of epidemics in the Dark Ages
In: Epidemics and Ideas: Essays on the Historical Perception of Pestilence, ed. by Terence Ranger and Paul Slack. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, pp. 45-76.
Hünemörder, C
Thomas von Aquin und die Tiere
In: Thomas von Aquin. Werk und Wirkung im Licht neuerer Forschungen, ed. by A. Zimmerman - E. Kopp, Berlin Miscellanea Mediaevalia. 19. , pp. 192-210.
Jennbert, K
Animals and Humans. Reccurrent symbiosis in archaeology and Old Norse religion
Lund, Nordic Academic Press. Vägar till Midgård.
Jolly, K
Father God and Mother Earth: Nature-Mysticism in the Anglo-Saxon world
In: The medieval world of nature. A book of essays, ed. by Joyce E. Salisbury, New York/London, pp. 221-252.
Jonhson, B
Lady of the Beasts. The Goddess and her Saved Animals
Junge, L
Die Tierlegenden des Heiligen Franz von Assisi. Studien über ihre Voraussetzungen und ihre Eigenart