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by Bibuser last modified 2007-08-25 12:45

References to publications, sorted by year and author.

There are 210 references in this bibliography folder.

Morenzoni, F
La capture et le commerce des faucons dans les Alpes occidentales au XIVe siècle
In: Milieux naturels, espaces sociaux. Etudes offertes à Robert Delort, ed. by Elisabeth Mornet/Fianco Morenzoni. Publications de la Sorbonne, Paris Histoire ancienne et médiévale. 47. , pp. 287-298.

Mountjoy, PT
Falconry: Neglected aspect of the history of psychology
Journal of the History of Behavorial Sciences, V:59-67.

Mullally, R
The so-called hawking party at the court of Philipp the Good
Gazette des Beaux-Arts, CXIX:109-112.

Muthesius, A
Silks and saints: the Rider and Peacock silks from the relics of St. Cuthbert
In: St. Cuthbert, his cult and his community to AD 1200, ed. by G. Bonner et al, Woodbridge, pp. 343-66.

Navarro Lázaro, A
El léxico de la caza en el ms. 947 de la Biblioteca histórica de la Universitat de Valencia
In: Italia - España - Europa: literaturas comparadas, tradiciones y traducciones, ed. by M. Arriaga Flórez et al, Sevilla, pp. 530-535.

Newcomer, CA
Neblí, baharí, tagarote
Nueva Revista de Filología Hispánica, VI:144-148.

Nickel, H
Two falcon devices of the Strozzi: an attempt at interpretation
Metropolitan Museum Journal, 9:229-232.

Niedermann, C
"Je ne fois que chassier". La chasse à la cour de Philippe le Bon, duc de Bourgogne
In: La Chasse au Moyen Age. Sociétés, traités, symboles, ed. by A. Paravicini Bagliani / B. van den Abeele , pp. 175-185.

No names specified
La chasse au vol au fil des temps. 5 juin-23 octobre 1994
Gien, Musée International de la chasse.

No names specified
Falconry. Exhibition on the history of the lure and the lore of falconry
Baltimore, Peabody Institute.

Nogalski, S
Pozostatości kostne ptaków drapieznych we wczesnośredniowiecznych materiałach archeologicznych Pomorza Zachodniego
Materiały Zachodnio-Pomorskie, 27:151-63.

Oggins, RS
The Kings and Their Hawks. Falconry in Medieval England
New Haven/London, Yale University Press.

Oggins, RS
Falconry and Medieval Views of Nature
In: The medieval world of nature. A book of essays, ed. by Joyce E. Salisbury, New York/London , pp. 47-60.

Oggins, VD and Oggins, RS
Some Hawkers of Somerset
Somerset Archeology and Natural History, 124:51.

Oswald, CA
The History and practice of Falconry
Jersey, Spearman.

Owen-Crocker, GR
Hawks and horse-trappings: the insignia of rank
In: The Battle of Maldon, AD. 991, ed. by D. Scragg, Oxford, pp. 220-237.

Paris, C
Romania, XII:99-100.

Pastoureau, M
Gentil donc lâche
Le genre humain, 29:133-137.

Pearsall, D
Hunting scenes in medieval illuminated manuscripts
The comoisseur, 196, 789:170-181.

Pedone, E
Falchi e falconeria in Eurasia
In: Khushal Khan Khatak, "Il libro del falcone", ed. by D. Guizzo/G. Scrcia, Venedig, pp. 75-94.

Pepinski, E
Atlantis, 3:404.

Perger, ARV
Zur Geschichte der Falkenjagd
Wien. Ans. Sitzungsberichte der Akademie der Wissenschaften Phil.-hist. Cl.. 31.

Peters, H
"Miles christianus" oder Falke und Taube. Eine ikonographische Skizze
In: Festschrift für Otto von Simson zum 65. Geburtstag, ed. by L. Grisebach/K. Renger, Frankfurt a.M., pp. 53-61.

Peters, H
Falke, Falkenjagd, Falkner und Falkenbuch
In: Reallexikon zur dt. Kunstgeschichte, ed. by xx, München, vol. VI, pp. col. 1251-1366.

Prummel, W
Falconry in continental settlements as reflected by animal bones from the 6th to 12th centuries AD
In: Hunting in northern Europe until 1500 AD. Old traditions and regional developments, continental sources and continental influences, ed. by Oliver Grimm / Ulrich Schmölcke. Wachholtz Verlag, Neumünster, pp. 357-377.

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