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References to publications, sorted by year and author.

Brednich Rolf (1978).
Der Vogelherd. Flugblätter als Quellen zur Ikonographie der Jagd
Rheinisch-westfälische Zeitschrift für Volkskunde, 24:14-29.

Brednich Rolf (1972).
Vogel am Faden. Geschichte und Ikonographie eines vergessenen Kinderspiels
In: Festschrift Matthias Zender, ed. by E. Ennen/G. Wiegelmann, Bonn, pp. 573-597.

Breeman M (1974).
The unicorn tapestries

Breeman M (1974).
The unicorn tapestries

Brehaut Ernest (1912).
An Encyclopedist of the Dark Arges: Isidore of Seville
New York, Columbia University Studies in History, Economics and Public Law.

Breiner Laurence (1987).
The Basilisk
In: Mythical and Fabulous Creatures: A Sourcebook and Research Guide, ed. by Malcolm South, Westport: Greenwood, pp. 113-122.

Breiner Laurence (1979).
"The Career of the Cockatrice"
Isis, 70(1):30-47.

Breiner Laurence (1979).
The career of the cockatrice
Isis, 70(1):31-47.

Bremmer Rolf (1990).
Two early vernacular names for the "Aves Beati Cuthberti": Middle English "lomes" and Middle Low German/Old Frisian "eires"
English Studies, 71:486-95.

Bremmer Rudolf (1990).
Two early vernacular names for the "Aves Beati Cuthberti": Middle English "lomes" and Middle Low German/Old Frisian "eires"
English Studies, 71:486-495.

Bremond Claude (1999).
Le bestiaire de Jacques de Vitry († 1240)
In: L'Animal exemplaire au Moyen Age, Ve-XVe siècles, ed. by Jacques Berlioz/Marie A. Polo de Beaulieu, pp. 111-122.

Bresc Henri (1993).
Mûsier et ver à soie en Italie (Xe-XVe siècles)
In: L'Homme, l'animal domestique et l'environnement du Moyen Age au XVIIIe siècle, ed. by R. Durand, pp. 329-342.

Bresc Henri (1980).
La chasse en Sicile (XIIe-XVe siècles)
In: La Chasse au Moyen Age. Actes du Colloque de Nice (22-24 juin 1979), ed. by XX, pp. 201-217.

Bret R (1979).
Les saints et les biches
Présence Orthodoxe, 43:38-44.

Brewer D.J, Redford D.B, and Redford S (1994).
Domestic plants and animals: Ancient Egyptian origins

Brial (1869).
Hugues de Fouilloi, prieur de Saint-Laurent de Heilly
In: Histoire littéraire de la France, vol. XIII, pp. 492-507.

Brichant Jean (1985).
Bestiaire taurin: Symbole et mythe
Liège, Diss., Université de Liege.

Briegel-Florig Waltraud (1965).
Geschichte der Fabelforschung in Deutschland
Freiburg, Diss. (masch.).

Briggenstorfer Susanne (1996).
'Commant on doyt faire la curee aux chiens pour les cerfz.' Un fragment d'incunable du Roy Modus à Zurich
In: Ensi firent li ancessor. Mélanges de philologie médiévale offerts à Marc-René Jung, ed. by Luciano Rossi et al.. Edizioni dell’Orso, Alessandria, pp. 641-46.

Brinkmann B (2006).
Happy-end für einen Löwen
In: Tributes in honor of James H. Marrow. Studies in painting and manuscript illumination in the Late Middle Ages and Northern Renaissance, ed. by J. G. Hamburger / A. Korteweg, London / Turnhout, pp. 65-74.

Brisbane Mark (2002).
Love Letters to Bare Bones: A Comparison of Two Types of Evidence for the Use of Animals in Medieval Novgorod
In: Medieval Animals, ed. by Mark Maltby, Cambridge Archaeological Review from Cambridge. 18. , pp. 100-118.

Brisebarre A.M (1987).
Le recours à saint Fleuret guérisseuz de bestiaux
Revue du Rouergue:127-140.

Brodeur A (1924).
The grateful lion
Publications of the Modern Language Association of America, 39:485-524.

Brodeur A (1924).
The grateful lion
Publications of the Modern Language Association of America, 39:485-524.

Brodrick A (1972).
Animals in archaeology

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