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References to publications, sorted by year and author.

White A (1983).
A medieval rabbit warren at Bardney?
Lincolnshire History and Archqeology(18):110-111.

White Beatrice (1978; 1980).
Fact, Fancy and the Beast Books
In: Folklore Studies in the Twentieth Century, ed. by Newall, Venetia J.. Brewer; Rowman & Littlefield, Woodbridge, UK; Totowa, N.J., pp. 438-442.

White Beatrice (1954).
Medieval Animal Lore
Anglia, 72:21-30.

White Cynthia (2009).
From the Ark to the Pulpit. An Edition and Translation of the Transitional Northumberland Bestiary (13th century)
Turnhout, Brepols Publishers.

White, jr. Lynn (1974).
Indic Elements in the Iconography of Petrarch's 'Trionfo della morte'
Speculum, 49:201-221.

White Lynn (1946).
Natural science and naturalistic art in the Middle Ages
American historical review, LII:421-435.

White Lynn (1946).
Natural science and naturalistic art in the Middle Ages
American historical review, LII:421-435.

White Monica (2008).
The rise of the dragon in Middle Byzantine hagiography
Byzantine and Modern Greek Studies, 32(2):149-167.

White Monica (2008).
The rise of the dragon in Middle Byzantine hagiography
Byzantine and Modern Greek Studies, 32(2):149-167.

White T.H (k.A.).
Description of animals from a twelfth-century bestiary

White T.H (1954).
The book of beasts being a translation from a Latin bestiary of the twelfth century

Whitehead P.J.P, van Vliet G, and Stearn W.T (1989).
The Clusius and other natural history pictures in the Jagiellon Library, Kraków
Archives of natural history, 16:15-32.

Whitehead P.J.P, van Vliet G, and Stearn W.T (1989).
The Clusius and other natural history pictures in the Jagiellon Library, Kraków
Archives of natural history, 16:15-32.

Whitehouse Helen (1991).
The elephant and its keepers. A postscript on P. Mich. inv. 4290
Zeitschrift für Papyrologie und Epigraphik, 85:277-278.

Whitehouse Helen (1991).
The elephant and its keepers. A postscript on P. Mich. inv. 4290
Zeitschrift für Papyrologie und Epigraphik, 85:277-278.

Whitesell Frederick (1947).
Fables in Mediaeval "Exempla"
Journal of English and Germanic Philology, XLVI:348-366.

Whiting Bartlett (1945).
The vows of the heron
Speculum, 20:261-278.

Whitney Ernst (1914).
The birds of the latin poets

Wickam Chris (1985).
Pastoralism and underdevelopment in the Early Middle Ages
In: L'uomo di fronte..., ed. by ..., Spolète, pp. 401-451, disc. 453-455.

Wickins Nigel (1988).
The birds, the Bishop and the music of brass
Transactions of the Monumental Brass Society, 14(3):205-216.

Widmaier H (1993).
La mort du roi dans le Reinhart Fuchs
In: The Fox and Other Animals: Special volume / Numéro spécial, ed. by Brian J. Levy and Paul Wackers. John Benjamins Publishing Company, Amsterdam Reinardus. Yearbook of the International Reynard Society., pp. 199-208.

Widmer Berthe (1963).
Eine Geschichte des Physiologus auf einem Madonnenbild der Brera
Zeitschrift für Religions- und Geistesgeschichte, 15:313-30.

Wieczorek Alfried (2007).
Pferdestärken - Das Pferd bewegt die Menschheit. Begleitband zur Sonderausstellung Pferdestärken - Das Pferd bewegt die Menschheit in den Reiss-Engelhorn-Museen, vom 21. April bis zum 19. August 2007

Wiedemann H (1878).
Die Phoenixsage im alten Ägypten
Zeitschrift für ägyptische Sprache und Altertumskunde, 16:89-106.

WIELAND Gernot (1984).
Caedmon, the clean animal
American Benedictine Review, 35(2):194-203.

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