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References to publications, sorted by year and author.

Thompson D'Arcy (1918).
The birds of Diomede
Classical Review, 32:92-96.

Thompson D'Arcy (1918).
The birds of Diomede
Classical Review, 32:92-96.

Thompson d'Arey (1897).
On birds and beasts in ancient symbolism
Transactions, royal society of Edinburgh, 38:179-192.

Thompson Francis (1978).
A Scottish Bestiary: the Lore and Literature of Scottish Beasts
Glasgow, The Molendinar Press.

Thomson Ian and Perraud Louis (1990).
Early English Christian poetry. Ten Latin schooltexts of the later Middle Ages: translated selections
Lewiston, N.Y., E. Mellen Press. Mediaeval studies . 6.

Thordstein Arvid (1941).
Le Bestiaire d'amour rimé, poème inédit du XIIIe siècle; publié avec introduction, notes et glossaire
Lund/Kopenhagen, G. W. K. Gleerup. Etudes romanes de Lund. II.

Thornbury Emily (2000).
“eald enta geweorc” and the relics of empire: revisiting the dragon's lair in Beowulf

Thornbury Emily (2000).
“eald enta geweorc” and the relics of empire: revisiting the dragon's lair in Beowulf

Thorndike Lynn (1966).
A history of magic and experimental science. Fourteenth and fifteenth centuries

Thorndike Lynn (1964).
A history of magic and experimental science during the first thirteen centuries of our era

Thorndike Lynn (1963).
More manuscripts of Thomas of Cantimpré's "De naturis rerum"
Isis, 54:269-277.

Thorndike Lynn (1923-58).
A history of magic and experimental science
New York, Columbia University Press, vols. 8.

Thorndike Lynn (1922).
Early Christianity and natural science. Basil, Epiphanicus and the Physiologus
Biblical Review, 7:332-356.

Thorpe Benjamin (1842).
Codex Exoniesis: A Collection of Anglo-Saxon Poetry, From a Manuscript in the Library of the Dean and Chapter of Exeter
London, Society of Antiquaries.

Thorpe L (1977).
Tristewell et les autres chiens de l'enfer
In: Jean Misrahi Memorial Volume: Studies in Medieval Literature, ed. by H.R. Runte et al, Columbia, SC, pp. 115-135.

Thorpe L (1977).
Tristewell et les autres chiens de l'enfer
In: Jean Misrahi Memorial Volume: Studies in Medieval Literature, ed. by H.R. Runte et al, Columbia, SC, pp. 115-135.

Thoss D and Haehn M (1989).
Le Livre du Roy Modus
Graz, ADEVO. Codices Selecti. 91.

Thoss Dagmar and Tilander Gunnar (1989).
Le Livre de la chasse du roi Modus: manuscrit 10218-10219 de la Bibliothèque royale de Belgique
Paris, Club du Livre. édition allemande Graz.

Thrane H (1989).
Bovidenstatuetten von Fünen
Frühmittelalterliche Studien, 23:362-416.

Thundy Zacharias (2000).
The dragon in Beowulf: Cain's Seed, heresy, and Islam.
In: Essays on Old, Middle, Modern English and Old Icelandic. In Honor of Raymond P. Tripp, Jr., ed. by Ed. Loren C. GRUBER. Edwin Mellen Press., Lewiston, vol. 60, vols. 1-2, pp. 201-230.

Thundy Zacharias (2000).
The dragon in Beowulf: Cain's Seed, heresy, and Islam.
In: Essays on Old, Middle, Modern English and Old Icelandic. In Honor of Raymond P. Tripp, Jr., ed. by Ed. Loren C. GRUBER. Edwin Mellen Press., Lewiston, vol. 60, vols. 1-2, pp. 201-230.

THØMT Torill (1997).
Middelalderske beslag i Norge. Drakebeslag i Valdres og Sogn
Foreningen til norske fortidsminnesmerkers bevaring(151):31-54.

Thénard-Duvivier Franck (2012).
Images sculptées au seuil des cathédrales. Les portails de Rouen, Lyon et Avignon (XIIIe-XIVe siècles)
Mont-Saint-Aignan, Publications des universités de Rouen et du Havre. (ISBN: 978-2-877775-523-8).

Théodoridès J (1958).
Les animaux des jeux de l’hippodrome et des ménageries impériales a Constantinople
Byzantinoslavica, 19:73-84.

Théodoriès Jean (1969/70).
Intérêt scientifique des miniatures zoologiques d'un manuscrit byzantin de la "Matière médicale" de Dioscoride (Codex M. 652, Purpout Morgan Library, NY)
Acta Biologica Debrecina, 7/8:265-272.

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