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References to publications, sorted by year and author.

Solheim Svale (1956).
Horse-fight and Horse-race in Norse Tradition
Oslo. Studia Norvegica. 83.

Solinas Francesco (2000).
L'Uccelliera. Un libro di arte e di scienza nella Roma dei primi Lincei

Solinus (1864).
Collectanea rerum memorabilium
Berlin, Ed. by th. Mommsen.

Solly Margaret (1984).
Zoomorphic design: a new look at Pictish Art?
British archaeological reports. British series, 125:189-210.

Solterer Helen (1989).
Letter writing and picture reading: medieval textuality and the "Bestiaire d'amour"
Word & Image, 5(1):131-147.

Somville Pierre (1980).
Le cheval et la mort
Cahiers Internationaux du Symbolisme, 40-41:131-137.

Sopeña Cenjor G (2012).
Motivos animales en las trompas de guerra célticas
In: Animales simbólicos en la historia. Desde la protohistoria hasta el final de la edad media, ed. by M. R García Huerta / F. Ruiz Gomez. Editorial Síntesis, Madrid, pp. 91-100.

Sorabji R (1993).
Animal Minds and Human Morals. The Origin of the Western Debate

Sorel A (1876-77).
Procès contre les animaux et insectes suivis au Moyen Age dans la Picardie et le Valois
Bulletin de la Société historique de Compiégne, 3:269-314.

Sorrell Paul (2002).
"A New Interpretation of the Witham Bowl and its Animal Imagery"
In: Medieval Animals , ed. by Aleks Pluskowski, Cambridge Archaeological Review from Cambridge. 18. .

Sorrell Paul (1994).
The approach to the dragon-fight in Beowulf, Aldhelm and the "traditions folkloriques" of Jacques Le Goff
Parergon: Bulletin of the Australian and New Zealand Association for Medieval and Renaissance Studies, 12(1):57-87.

Sorrell Paul (1994).
Like a Duck to Water: Representations of Aquatic Animals in Early Anglo-Saxon Literature and Art
Leeds Studies in English, 25:29-68.

Souhart R.F (1886).
Bibliographie générale des ouvrages sur la chasse, la vénerie et la fauconnerie
Paris. 1968 Leipzig.

South Malcolm (1987).
The Unicorn
In: Mythical and Fabulous Creatures: A Sourcebook and Research Guide, ed. by Malcolm South, Westport: Greenwood, pp. 5-26.

Spaggiari Barbara (1983).
Cacciare la lepre col bue
Annali della Scuola Nor,ale Superiore di Pisa. Classe di lettere e filosofia(12):1333-1409.

Spaggiari Barbara (1983).
Cacciare la lepre col bue
Annali della Scuola Normale Superiore di Pisa. Classe di lettere e filosofia(12):1333-1409.

Spaggiari Barbara (1983).
Cacciare la lepre col bue
Annali della Scuola Normale Superiore di Pisa. Classe di lettere e filosofia(12):1333-1409.

Spahn Norbert (1986).
Ausgrabungen in Schleswig. Berichte und Studien 5. Untersuchungen an Skelettresten von Hunden und Katzen aus dem mittelalterlichen Schleswig. Ausgrabung Schild 1971-1975

Spahn Norbert (1986).
Ausgrabungen in Schleswig. Berichte und Studien 5. Untersuchungen an Skelettresten von Hunden und Katzen aus dem mittelalterlichen Schleswig. Ausgrabung Schild 1971-1975

Spaid James (2004+).
The Gryphon Pages
, James Scott Spaid.

Spalding Tim (2004).
Griffins in Art and on the Web
, Tim Spalding.

Spallanzani Marco (1983).
Saluki alla corte dei Medici nei secoli XV-XVI
Mitteilungen des Kunsthistorischen Institues in Florenz, 27:360-366.

Spallanzani Marco (1983).
Saluki alla corte dei Medici nei secoli XV-XVI
Mitteilungen des Kunsthistorischen Institues in Florenz, 27:360-366.

Sparks J (1978).
Rapaci notturni nella realtà e nella leggenda

Speake George (1980).
Anglo-Saxon animal art and its Germanic background
Oxford, Clarendon Press.

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