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Referenzen auf Publikationen, sortiert nach Erscheinungsjahr und Autoren.

Smit J (1911).
Het Brabantsche Jachtrecht voor de regering van Karel den Stoute

Smith C (1998).
Dogs, cats and horses in the Scottish medieval town
Proceedings of the Society of Antiquaries of Scotland, 128.

Smith C (1998).
Dogs, cats and horses in the Scottish medieval town
Proceedings of the Society of Antiquaries of Scotland, 128.

Smith C (1998).
Dogs, cats and horses in the Scottish medieval town
Proceedings of the Society of Antiquaries of Scotland, 128.

Smith C (1998).
Dogs, cats and horses in the Scottish medieval town
Proceedings of the Society of Antiquaries of Scotland, 128.

Smith F (1976).
The early history of veterinary literature and its British development. Bd. 1: From the earliest period to A.D. 1700
London, vol. 1.

Smith J.C.D (1970).
A Guide to Church Woodcarvings
Newton Abbot, England, David & Charles.

Smith J (1985).
A Picture Book of The Misericords of Wells Cathedral
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Smith J (1974).
A Guide to Church Woodcarvings
Newton Abbot, David & Charles.

Smith J (1969).
Church Carvings: A West Country Study
Newton Abbot, Devon, David & Charles.

Smith Karen (2006).
Serpent-damsels and dragon-slayers: overlapping divinities in a medieval tradition
In: Christian Demonology and Popular Mythology. Central European University Press, Budapest(Gabor Klaniczay and Eva Pocs), pp. 121-138.

Smith Karen (2006).
Serpent-damsels and dragon-slayers: overlapping divinities in a medieval tradition
In: Christian Demonology and Popular Mythology. Central European University Press, Budapest(Gabor Klaniczay and Eva Pocs), pp. 121-138.

Smith Michael (1974).
Carpaccio's "Hunt in the Lagoon"

SMITH Nathaniel (1994).
The man on a horse and the horse-man: constructions of human and animal in The Knight of the Parrot
In: Literary Aspects of Courtly Culture. Selected Papers from the Seventh Triennial Congress of the International Courtly Literature Society. University of Massachusetts, Amherst, U.S.A., 27 July - 1 August 1992, ed. by Donald MADDOX and Sara STURM-MADDOX, Cambridge: D.S. Brewer., pp. 241-248.

Smith Nathaniel (1978).
The lark image in Bondi Dietainti and Dante
Forum Italicum, 12:233-242.

Smith Nathaniel (1978).
The lark image in Bondi Dietainti and Dante
Forum Italicum, 12:233-42.

Smith Paul (1998).
Eksters en gaaien: de literaire verwerking van een prodigium bij Poggio en Rabelais
Millennium, 12:139-148.

Smolar-Meynart A (1991).
La Justice ducale du plat pays, des forêts et des chasses en Brabant (XIIe-XVIe siècle). Sénéchal, Maître des Bois, Gryger, Grand Veneur

Smolar-Meynart A (1991).
La Justice ducale du plat pays, des forêts et des chasses en Brabant (XIIe - XVIe s.). Sénéchal, Maître des Bois, Gruyer, Grand Veneur
Bruxelles. Annales de la Société Royale d'Archéologie de Bruxelles. 60.

Smyth A (1939).
A Book of Fabulous Beasts
Oxford, Oxford University Press.

Société d'Ethnozoologie (1981).
Le lapin - Aspects historiques, culturels et sociaux
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Sodigné-Costes Geneviève (1995).
Les animaux venimeux dans le Livre des venins de Pietro d'Abano
Reinardus, 8:101-114.

Sodigné-Costes Geneviève (1993).
Du boa au monstre volant: réalité et mythe du dragon chez les encyclopédistes du XIIIe siècle
In: Le Dragon dans la culture médiévale: Colloque du Mont-Saint-Michel, 31 octobre - 1er novembre 1993, ed. by Danielle BUSCHINGER and Wolfgang SPIEWOK. Reineke Verlag, Greifswald. Greifswalder Beiträge zum Mittelalter. 24. , pp. 65-75.

Solalinde A.G (1930).
El "Physiologus" en la "General historia" del Alfonso X
In: Mélanges d'histoire littéraire générale et comparée offerts à F. Bauensperger, Paris, pp. 250-254.

Solbach Gerhard (1989).
Das Tierbuch des Konrad von Megenberg
Dortmund, Harenberg-Edition. Die Bibliophilen Taschenbücher. 560.

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