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References to publications, sorted by year and author.

Shailor Barbara (1984, 1992).
Catalogue of Medieval and Renaissance Manuscripts in the Beinecke Rare Book and Manuscript Library, Yale University
Binghamton, NY, for Medieval & Renaissance Texts & Studies. Medieval & Renaissance texts & studies. v. 34, 48, 100.

Shallers Alvin (1971).
The Renart Tradition in the Literature of Medieval England
, diss., University of Wisconsin.

Shank Garry (1998).
The lesson of the bestiary. A chapter for medieval textuality
In: New approaches to medieval textuality, ed. by D. Mikle, NY, pp. 141-151.

Sharde Richard (1985).
An "Exortacio ad contemplacionem" from Farne Island
Medium Aevum, 54:159-177.

Sharpe Kevin (2011).
Virtues, passions and politics in early modern England
In: History of Political Thought, vol. 32:5, pp. 773-798.

Sharpe Richard (1985).
An "Exortacio ad contemplacionem" from Farne Island
Medium Aevum, LIV:159-77.

Sharpe Richard (1984).
Geoffrey le Baker's "aves Ganymedis", Lundy Island, and Alexander Neckam
Notes and Queries, 31(1):31-36.

Sharpe Richard (1984).
Geoffrey le Baker's "aves Ganymedis", Lundy Island, and Alexander Neckham
Notes and Queries, 31(1):31-36.

Sharpe William (1964).
Isidore of Seville: the medical writings
Transactions of the American philosophical society, new series, 54:xxx.

Shaver C (1943).
Chaucer's "Owles and Apes"
Modern Language Notes, 58:105-107.

Shaver C (1943).
Chaucer's "Owles and Apes"
Modern Language Notes, 58:105-107.

Shaw Brian (1989).
The Old English Physiologus
In: Medieval translators and their craft, ed. by J. Beer, Kalamazeo, pp. 155-183.

Shaw Brian (1989).
The Old English Phoenix
In: Medieval Translators and Their Craft, ed. by Jeanette Beer. Western Michigan University, Kalamazoo, pp. 155-183.

Sheail J (1971).
Rabbits and their history

Sheail J (1971).
Rabbits and their history

Sheldon Sue (1977).
The eagle: bird of magic and medicine in a Middle English translation of the "Kyranides"
Tulane Studies in England, 22:1-31.

Sheldon Sue (1977).
The eagle: bird of magic and medicine in a Middle English translation of the "Kyranides"
Tulane Studies in England, 22:1-31.

Shepard Odell (1930).
The lore of the unicorn

Shepard Odell (1930).
The lore of the unicorn

SHILTON Howard (1997).
The nature of Beowulf's dragon
Bulletin of the John Rylands University Library of Manchester, 79(3):67-77.

Shirley Legatt N.J (1949-50).
The Book of St.Albans and the origins of its treatise on Hawking
Studia Neophilologica, 22:135-45.

Shitanda Sô (1997).
Intertextueller Vergleich der Physiologus-Versionen
In: Les animaux dans la littérature. Actes du Colloque de Tokyo de la Societé Internationale Renardienne du 22 au 24 juillet 1996 à l’Université Keio, ed. by Hideichi Matsubara/Satoru Suzuki/Naoyuki Fukumoto/Noboru Harano, Tokyo, pp. 265-281.

Shoaf Judith (1978/79).
The Owl Dialogue in Thomas' Tristan
Tristania, 4(1):35-54.

Shoaf R (1998).
The Pearl
, The Consortium for the Teaching of the Middle Ages (TEAMS).

Shur Elmer (1964).
An interpretation of the unicorn
Folklore, 75:91-109.

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