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References to publications, sorted by year and author.

Segra Vera (2000).
Lo studio del vero del mondo animale nella bottega trecentesca di Giovannino de’ Grassi
In: Il mondo animale – The World of Animals, Florenz, vol. 2, pp. 477-487.

Segre C (1996).
De la similitude à la métamorphose. Les bestiaires et la syntaxe
In: Ensi firent li ancessor. Mélanges de philologie médiévale offerts à M.R. Jung, ed. by L. Rossi et al., Turin, vol. II, pp. 533-542.

Segre C (1964).
Les Bestiaires
In: Dictionnaire des lettres françaises, ed. by xx, Paris, pp. 129-130.

Segre Vera (2000).
Lo studio del vero del mondo animale nella bottega trecentesca di Giovannino deé Grassi
Micrologus, 8:477-487.

Seib Gerhard (1972).
In: Lexikon der christlichen Ikonographie, vol. 4, pp. Sp. 96.

Seiler P (1995).
Der Braunschweiger Burglöwe. Spurensicherung auf der Suche nach künstlerischen Vorbildern
In: Heinrich der Löwe und seine Zeit. Herrschaft und Repräsentation der Welfen 1125-1235, ed. by Jochen Luckhardt/Franz Niehoff, München, vol. 2, vols. 3, pp. 244-255.

Seiler P (1995).
Der Braunschweiger Burglöwe. Spurensicherung auf der Suche nach künstlerischen Vorbildern
In: Heinrich der Löwe und seine Zeit. Herrschaft und Repräsentation der Welfen 1125-1235, ed. by Jochen Luckhardt/Franz Niehoff, München, vol. 2, vols. 3, pp. 244-255.

Selcioni Francesca (2002).
Gli animali della casa di Dio : guida al bestiario delle chiese romaniche ticinesi
Locarno, Armando Dadò.

Selle Stephan (2000+).
No source specified

Sellert W (1996).
"Tierprozesse", "Tierschaden"
In: LexMA, ed. by ?, vol. 8, pp. 784-785.

Sellert W (1984).
Das Tier in der abendländischen Rechtsauffassung
In: Studium Generale. Vorträge zum Thema Mensch und Tier, ed. by ?, Hannover, pp. 6-84.

Sells L.A (1957).
Animal poetry in French and English literature

Semmler J (1958).
Volatilia. Zu den benediktinischen Consuetudines des 9. Jahrhunderts

Seniff D.P (1983).
Libro de la Montería: Based on Escorial MS Y.II.19
Madison. Spanish Series. 8.

Seniff Dennis (1988).
"Muchos libros buenos": the new MSS of Alfonso XI's "Libro de la montería" and Moamyn/Alfonso X's "Libro de las animalias que caçan"
Studia Neophilologica, 60:251-62.

Seniff Denis (1987).
Falconry, venery and fishing in the "Cantigas de Santa María"
In: Studies on the "Cantigas de Santa María": Art, music and poetry, ed. by Israel J. Katz et al, Madison (Wisc.), pp. 459-474.

Seniff Dennis (1986).
La tradición castellana de Moamín el halconero
Incipit, 6:99-102.

Seniff Denis (1983).
Birds of prey and the dry textbook: King Alfonso's laws, science and cantigas of the hunt
North American falconer's association journal, 22:78-83.

Seniff Dennis (1981).
All the King's Men and all the King's Lands: the Nobility and Geography of the "Libro de la caza" and the "Libro de la Monteria"
In: La Chispa '81: Selected Proceedings. The Second Louisiana Conference on Hispanic Languages and Literatures, ed. by XX, pp. 297-308.

Senner Walter (2001).
Albertus Magnus. Zum Gedenken nach 800 Jahren: neue Zugänge, Aspekte und Perspektiven
Berlin, Akademie Verlag. Quellen und Forschungen zur Geschichte des Dominikanerordens. N.F. 10.

Sergen B (2006).
“C’est chouette ça”
In: Remembrances et resveries. Hommage à Jean Batany, ed. by D. Hüe, Orléans, pp. 315-324.

Settis-Frugoni Ch (1973).
Historia Alexandri elevati per griphos ad aerem. Origine, iconografia e fortuna di un tema

Seymour Saint John D (1921).
The Cock and the Pot
Journal of the Royal society of Antiquaries, 51:132-50.

Seymour Michael (1992).
Bartholomaeus Anglicus and his Encyclopedia
Brookfield, Ashgate Publishing Company.

Shackford Martha (1913).
Legends and Satires from Medieval Literature
Boston, Ginn and Company.

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