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Referenzen auf Publikationen, sortiert nach Erscheinungsjahr und Autoren.

Sachs Rainer (1988).
Geneza orła heraldycznego w Europie sredniowiecznej
Slavia Antiqua, 31:199-207.

Sada Elena (1992).
Genesi del lupo cattivo
Studi Medievali, 33:779-797.

Sada Elena (1992).
Genesi del lupo cattivo
Studi Medievali, ser.3, 33(2):779-797.

Safadi Y.H (1976).
A selected annotated bibliography on falconry
Abu Dhabi.

Sainean Lazare (1912).
Le vocabulaire de la fauconnerie dans Rabelais
Revue des Etudes Rabelaisiennes, 10:356-374.

Saint Ambrose (1961).
Hexameron, Paradise, and Cain and Abel
New York, Fathers of the Church, Inc. The Fathers of the Church. 42.

Saint-Denis E (1947).
Le vocabulaire des animaux marins en latin classique

Saint-Victor Hugues (1854).
De bestiis et aliis rebus
In: Patrologiae Cursus Completus, Series Latina, ed. by J. P. Migne, vol. 177, pp. col. 15-56.

Sainte-Marie Martine (1993).
Note sur un Traité des oiseaux conservé parmi les manuscrits de la Société archéologique de Montpellier
In: Hommage à Robert Saint-Jean: art et histoire dans le Midi languedocien et rhodanien: Xe-XIXe siècle, ed. by G. Romestan, Montpellier, pp. 393-401.

Saintsbury George (1897).
The Flourishing of Romance and the Rise Of Allegory
Edinburgh, William Blackwood and Sons.

Saintsbury George (1897).
The Flourishing of Romance and the Rise Of Allegory
Edinburgh, William Blackwood and Sons.

SAITO Kurumi (1993).
Transition of Anglo-Saxon culture as seen in animal descriptions in Old English poetry and Anglo-Saxon art
Nihon Shakai-jigyo Daigaku Kenkyu-Kiyo: Study Report of the Japan College of Social Work, 39:147-159.

Saksa Marjatta (2002).
Il valore e la fede. Un’indagine sulle immagini dei cavalieri nell’Italia medievale tra il 1250 ca. e il 1480

SALIH Sarah (2003).
Idols and simulacra: paganity, hybridity and representation in Mandeville's Travels
In: The Monstrous Middle Ages, ed. by Bettina BILDHAUER and Robert MILLS, Cardiff: University of Wales Press, pp. 113-133.

Salin B (1935).
Die altgermanische Thierornamentik

Salisbury Joyce (1994).
The beast within: animals in the Middle Ages
New York, Routledge.

Salisbury Joyce (1997).
Human Beasts and Bestial Humans in the Middle Ages
In: Animal Acts: Configuring the Human in Western History, ed. by Ham, Jennifer / Senior, Matthew. Routledge, New York, pp. 9-22.

Salisbury Joyce (1996).
Human Animals of Medieval Fables
In: Animals in the Middle Ages: A Book of Essays, ed. by Nona C. Flores. Garland, New York Garland Medieval Casebooks. 13. .

Salisbury Joyce (1994).
The Beast within. Animals in the Middle Ages
New York et al., Routledge. (ISBN: 0-415-90768-3).

Salisbury Joyce (1994).
The Beast within. Animals in the Middle Ages
New York et al., unknown.

Salisbury Joyce (1993).
The medieval world of nature. A book of essays
New York/London, Garland. Garland Medieval Casebooks. (ISBN: 0-8153-0752-7). 5.

Salisbury Joyce (1993).
The medieval world of nature. A book of essays
New York/London, Garland. Garland Medieval Casebooks. (ISBN: 0-8153-0752-7). 5.

Salonen A (1976).
Jagd und Jagdtiere im alten Mesopotamien

Salonen A (1973).
Vögel und Vogelsang im alten Mesopotamien

Salter D (2007).
A dog’s life: The experience of exile in Middle English romance
In: Fauna and Flora in the middle ages. Studies of the Medieval Environment and its Impact on the Human Mind. Papers Delivered at the International Medieval Congress, Leeds, in 2000, 2001 and 2002, ed. by S. Hartmann, Frankfurt a.M., pp. 87-96.

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