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References to publications, sorted by year and author.

Rousseau M (1964).
Les procès d'animaux

Roussel Claude (2012).
Les animaux secourables dans les chansons de geste tardives
In: In limine Romaniae. Chanson de gentes et épopée européenne., ed. by Carlos ALVAR et Constance CARTA. Peter Lang, Bern, pp. 463-476.

Roux Jean-Paul (1978).
Le bestiaire de l'Islam médiéval
Archéologia, 117:38-47.

Roux Simone (1997).
Images de bêtes urbaines
In: Milieux naturels, espaces sociaux. Etudes offertes à Robert Delort, ed. by Elisabeth Mornet/Fianco Morenzoni. Publications de la Sorbonne, Paris, pp. 229-239.

Roux Simone (1997).
Images de bêtes urbaines
In: Milieux naturels, espaces sociaux. Etudes offertes à Robert Delort, ed. by Elisabeth Mornet/Fianco Morenzoni. Publications de la Sorbonne , Paris, pp. 229-239.

Rova E (2005).
Animali ed ibridi nel repertorio iconografico della glittica del periodo di Uruk
In: Animali tra zoologie, mito e letteratura nella cultura classica e orientale. Atti del convegno, Venezia, 22-23 maggio 2002, ed. by E. Cingano / A. Ghersetti / L. Milano, Padova.

Rowland Beryl (1989).
The art of memory and the bestiary
In: Beasts and Birds of the Middle Ages. The Bestiary and its Legacy, ed. by Willene B. Clark / Meradith T. McMunn. University of Pennsylvania Press, Philadelphia, pp. 12-25.

Rowland Beryl (1987).
In: Mythical and Fabulous Creatures: A Sourcebook and Research Guide, ed. by Malcolm South, Westport: Greenwood, pp. 155-161.

Rowland B (1984).
The relationship of St. Basil's "Hexaemeron" to the "Physiologus"
In: Epopée animale, fable, fabliau. Actes... Eoreux 1981, ed. by G. Bianciotto/M. Salvat, Paris, pp. 489-498.

Rowland Beryl (1984).
The Relationship of St. Basil's Hexameron to the Physiologus
In: Épopée Animale, Fable, Fabliau: Actes du IVe Colloque de la Société Internationale Renardienne, ed. by Gabriel Bianciotto / Michel Salvat. Presses Universitaires de France, Paris, pp. 489-498.

Rowland B (1981).
The Wisdom of the Cock
In: Third international Beast Epic, Fable and Fabliau Coll., Münster 1979; Proceedings, ed. by J. Goossens/T. Sodmann, Wien, pp. 340-356.

Rowland B (1978).
Birds with human souls: A guide to bird symbolism

Rowland B (1973).
Animals with human faces. A guide to animal symbolism

Rowland B (1973).
Animals with human faces. A guide to animal symbolism

Rowland Beryl (1973).
Animals with human faces. A guide to animal symbolism

Rowland Beryl (1971).
Blind Beasts: Chaucer's Animal World
Kent, Ohio, Kent State University Press.

Rowland Beryl (1971).
T.H. White and the notebooks of George C. Druce
The Serif, 8(3):7-10.

Rowland Beryl (1967).
Chaucer's She-Ape (The Parson's Tale, 424)
Chaucer Review: A Journal of Medieval Studies and Literary Criticism, 2:159-165.

Rowland Beryl (1965).
'Owles and Apes' in Chaucer's Nun's Priest's Tale, 3092
Mediaeval Studies (Pontifical Institute), 27:322-325.

Rowland Beryl (1965).
"Owls and Apes" in Chaucer's "Nun's Priest's Tale"
Medieval Studies (Pontifical Institute), 27:322-325.

Rowland Beryl (1964).
Animal Imagery and the Pardoner’s Abnormality
Neophilologus, 48:56-60.

Rowland Beryl (1963).
Chaucer and the Unnatural History of Animals
Medieval Studies (Pontifical Institute), 25:367-372.

Rowland Beryl (1962).
Chaucer's 'Throstil Old' and Other Birds
Medieval Studies (Pontifical Institute), 24:381-384.

Roy Bruno (1999).
Autre texte; autre auteur. Le "Bestiaire d'Amour" de Richard de Fournival
Cahiers Diderot, 11:93-104.

Roy B (1990).
La trente-sixième main: Vincent de Beauvais et Thomas de Cantimpré
In: Vincent de Beauvais: intentions et réceptions d’une oeuvre encyclopédique au Moyen Age, ed. by M. Paulmier-Foucaert / S. Lusignan / A. Nadeau. Maison Bellarmin/Vrin, Saint-Laurent/Paris, pp. 241-251.

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