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Referenzen auf Publikationen, sortiert nach Erscheinungsjahr und Autoren.

Mc Kenzie Kenneth (1910).
The problem of the "lonza", with an unpublished text
The Romanic Review(1):18-30.

Mc Kenzie Kenneth (1905).
Unpublished Manuscripts of Italian Bestiaries
PMLA, 30:380-433.

Mc Munn Meradith (1999).
Parrots and poets in late medieval literature
Anthrozoös: A multidisciplinary journal of the interactions of people & animals, 12(2):68-75.

McAlpine Heather (2001).
Images of Medieval Monsters In Marvels of the East and other Manuscripts
, Web page.

McCabe Anne (2009).
Julius Africanus and the Horse Doctors
In: Die Kestoi des Julius Africanus und ihre Überlieferung, ed. by Martin Wallraff / Laura Mecella. Walter de Gruyter, Berlin/New York, pp. 345-373.

McCall Henrietta (1995).
In: Mythical Beasts, ed. by John Cherry. British Museum Press/Pomegranite Artbooks, London, pp. 104-137.

McCash J.H (1994).
The curse of the white hind and the cure of the weasel: animal magic in the Lais of Marie de France
In: Literary aspects of courtly love, ed. by D. Maddox et al., Cambridge, pp. 199-209.

McConchie R (1979).
"Philip Sparrow". Obscene bird satire in late medieval English verse
Parergon, 24:31-35.

McConchie R (1979).
"Philip Sparrow". Obscene bird satire in late medieval English verse
Parergon, 24:31-35.

McConchie R (1979).
"Philip Sparrow". Obscene bird satire in late-medieval English verse
Parergon, 24:31-35.

McCone Kim (1984).
Notes on the text and autorship of the early Irish bee-laws
Cambridge Medieval Celtic Studies, 8:45-50.

McConnell Winder (1999).
Mythos Drache
In: Dämonen, Monster, Fabelwesen, ed. by Ulrich MÜLLER and Werner WUNDERLICH. Universitätsverlag Konstanz, St. Gallen, Mittelalter-Mythen. 2. , pp. 171-183, Article.

McConnell Winder (1999).
Mythos Drache
In: Dämonen, Monster, Fabelwesen, ed. by Ulrich MÜLLER and Werner WUNDERLICH. Universitätsverlag Konstanz, St. Gallen, Mittelalter-Mythen. 2. , pp. 171-183, Article.

McCormick Finbar (2007).
The horse in early Ireland
Anthropozoologica, 42:85-104.

McCulloch Florence (1995).
"The Waldensian Bestiary and the Libellus de Natura Animalium"
Medievalia et Humanistica: Studies in Medieval and Renaissance Culture, 15:15-30.

McCulloch Florence (1968).
Pierre Gringore's Menus Propos des Amoureux and Richard de Fournival's Bestiaire d'Amour
Romance Notes, 10(1):150-159.

McCulloch Florence (1965).
Mermecolion - A Medieval Latin Word for 'Pearl Oyster'
Medieval Studies (Pontifical Institute), 27:331-334.

McCulloch Florence (1963).
The Waldensian bestiary and the Libellus a natura animalium
Medievalia et humanistica, 15:15-30.

McCulloch Florence (1962-63).
The Funeral of Renart the Fox in a Walters Book of Hours
Journal of the Walters Art Gallery, 25-26:9-29.

McCulloch Florence (1962).
Medieval Latin and French Bestiaries
Chapel Hill, University of North Carolina Press. Studies in the Romance Languages and Literatures. 33.

McCulloch Florence (1960).
Mediaeval Latin and French bestiaries
Chapel Hill. Studies in the Romance language and literatures of the Univ. of NC. 33.

McCulloch F (1956).
Pierre de Beauvais' "Lacovie"
Modern Language Notes, LXXI(2):100-1.

McDonald John (1963).
The origins of angling

McDonald M.V (1998).
Animal-books as a genre in Arabic literature
Bulletin of the British Society for Middle East Studies, 15:3-10.

McDonald William (1983).
The falcon poems of Michel Beheim
In: Spectrum Medii Aevi: Essays in early German literature in honor of George Fenwich Jones, ed. by W. C. McDonald, Göppingen Göppinger Arbeiten zur Germanistik. 362. , pp. 321-46.

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