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References to publications, sorted by year and author.

List Claudia (1993).
Tiere, Gestalt und Bedeutung in der Kunst
Zürich/Stuttgart, Belser Verlag. (ISBN: 3-7630-2301-1).

LITTLEWOOD Antony (2007).
Vegetal and animal imagery in the history of Niketas Choniates
In: Theatron: Rhetorische Kultur in Spätantike und Mittelalter / Rhetorical Culture in Late Antiquity and the Middle Ages, ed. by Michael GRÜNBART, Berlin: de Gruyter Millennium-Studien zu Kultur und Geschichte des ersten Jahrtausends n. Chr./Millennium Studies in the Culture and History of the First Millenium C.E.. 13. , pp. 223-258.

Littlewood Anthony (1997).
Gardens of the Palaces
In: Byzantine Court Culture from 829 to 1204, ed. by Maguire, H., Washington D.C., pp. 13-38.

Littlewood Anthony (1994).
Imperial gardens and the rhetoric of renewal
In: New Constantines. The Rhythm of Imperial Renewal in Byzantium, 4th-13th Centuries, ed. by Magdalino, Paul, Aldershots, pp. 181-198.

Livario Oliger P (1923).
Servasanto di Faenza O.F.M. e il suo "Liber de virtutibus et vitiis"
In: Miscellanea Francisco Ehrle, ed. by xx, Rom, vol. I Studi e Testi. 37. , pp. 148-189.

Liver Ricarda (1982).
Der singende Schwan. Motivgeschichtliches zu einer Sequenz des 9. Jahrhunderts
Museum Helveticum, 39:146-56.

Lizet B (1982).
Le cheval dans la vie quotidienne

Llinares A (1987).
Les singes, le ver luisant et l’oiseau. Note sur l’utilisation répétée d’une même fable dans l’oeuvre de Lulle
Romania, 108:97-106.

Llinares Armand (1987).
Les singes, le ver luisant et l’oiseau. Note sur l’utilisation répétée d’une même fable dans l’oeuvre de Lulle
Romania, 108:97-106.

Lloyd Joan (1971).
African animals in Renaissance literature and art

Lloyd Joan (1970).
African animals in renaissance literature and art

Lobrichon Guy (1998).
La réinvention du bestiaire au XIIe siècle
In: Si les lions puvaient parler. Essais sur la condition animale, ed. by B. Cyrulnik. Gallimard, Paris, pp. 296-307.

Lockwood W (1990).
Latin columba, palumbes
Historische Sprachforschung, 103:261-63.

Lockwood W (1987).
The common Celtic termes for "starling" and "thrush"
Bulletin of the Board of Celtic Studies, 34:124-125.

Lockwood W (1987).
The common Celtic terms for "starling" and "thrush"
Bulletin of the Board of Celtic Studies, 34:124-125.

Lockwood W (1987).
The common Celtic terms for "starling" and "thrush"
Bulletin of the Board of Celtic Studies, 34:124-5.

Lockwood W (1976).
"Ptarmigan" and other Gaelic (bird)names
Scottish Gaelic Studies, 12:271-8.

Lockwood W (1974).
Some British bird names
Transactions of the Philological Society:65-80.

Lockwood W (1970).
Faroese bird-names origins
Fródskaparrit, 18:183-91.

Lodge R and Varty Kenneth (2001).
The earliest branches of the Roman de Renart
Louvain et al., Peeters. Synthema. 1.

Lofmark Carl (1976).
Der rote Drache der Waliser
In: Festgabe für Otto Höfler zum 75. Geburtstag, ed. by Helmut BIRKHAN. Braumüller, Wien, pp. 429-448.

Loi V (1971).
La tipologia dell'agnello pasquale e l'attesa escatologica in età patristica
In: Fons vivus. Miscellanea liturgica in memoria di D.E.M. Vismara, ed. by ?, Rome, pp. 125-?.

Loi V (1971).
La tipologia dell'agnello pasquale e l'attesa escatologica in età patristica
In: Fons vivus. Miscellanea liturgica in memoria di D.E.M. Vismara, Rome, pp. 125-142.

Loisel G (1912).
Histoire des ménageries de l'Antiquité à nos jours

Loncke Jérémy (2001).
La Practica canum. Edition critique et exploitation d’un traité cynologique médiéval inconnu
Louvain-la-Neuve, Mémoire de licence, Université catholique de Louvain, Faculté de Philosophie et Lettres, Département d’Histoire.

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