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Referenzen auf Publikationen, sortiert nach Erscheinungsjahr und Autoren.

Baring-Gould Sabine (1865).
The Book of Werewolves
Ireland, Nonsuch. (ISBN: 1859580726 (ISBN13: 9781859580721)).

Barker Juliet (1986).
The Tournament in England. 1100-1400
Woodbridge / Wolfeboro.

Barker Nicolas (1988).
Two East Anglian picture books: a facsimile of the Helmingham herbal and bestiary, and Bodleian MS. Ashmole 1504
London, Roxburghe Club.

Barker Nicholas (1888).
Two East Anglian picture bocks: a facsimile of the Helmingham herbal and bestiary and Bodleian MS. Ashmole 1504
London, Röxburghe Club.

Barloy J.J (1974).
Les animaux domestiques: cent siècles de vie commune entre l'homme et l'animal

Barnstone (trans.) Willis and Theobaldus (1964).
Physiologus Theobaldi Episcopi de naturis duodecim animalium: the Latin text; an English translation
Bloomfield, IL., Indiana University Press.

Barnstone Willis (1964).
Physiologus Theobaldi episcopi de naturis duodecim animalium: the Latin text and English translation
Bloomington, Indiana Univ. Press.

Baroin Jeanne (1980).
A propos du cerf épique
Marche Romane, 30:5-15.

Barolini Teodolinda (2003).
Beyond (courtly) dualism: thinking about gender in Dante's lyrics
In: Dante for the New Millennium, ed. by Teodolinda BAROLINI and H. Wayne STOREY, New York: Fordham University Press Fordham Series in Medieval Studies. 2. , pp. 65-89.

Baroni Grazi Vittoria (1971).
Un termine longobardo della caccia: "paissa", "paissare"
Archivo per l'Alto Adige, 65:329-340.

Barre A (2006).
La rencontre du renard et du coq: entre image et littérature au Moyen Age
In: Les oiseaux: de la réalité à l’imaginaire, ed. by C. Lachet / G. Lavorel, Lyon, pp. 149-164.

Barret Charles (1946).
The Bunyip And Other Mythical Monsters And Legends
Melbourne, Reed & Harris.

Barscht Waltraud (1987).
The Griffin
In: Mythical and Fabulous Creatures: A Sourcebook and Research Guide, ed. by Malcolm South, Westport: Greenwood, pp. 85-101.

Bartas Guillaume (1981).
La Sepmaine
Ed. by Yvonne Bellenger.

Barth Edvard (1983).
Trapping reindeer in South Norway
Antiquity, 57:109-115.

Barth Edvard (1983).
Trapping reindeer in South Norway
Antiquity, 57:109-115.

Bartholdy Nils (1983).
Das Löwenwappen der Waldemarer. Eine Hypothese der politischen Motivation der Dänenkönige für Annahme der Löwenfigur im 12. Jahrhundert
In: Les origines des armoiries, IIe colloque international d'Héraldique Bressanone/Brixen 1981, ed. by .... Académie internationale d'héraldique, Paris, pp. 15-21.

Bartholdy Nils (1983).
Das Löwenwappen der Waldemarer. Eine Hypothese der politischen Motivation der Dänenkönige für Annahme der Löwenfigur im 12. Jahrhundert
In: Les origines des armoiries, IIe colloque international d'Héraldique Bressanone/Brixen 1981. Académie internationale d'héraldique, Paris, pp. 15-21.

Bartholomæus Anglicus (1975-1988).
On the properties of things : John Trevisa's translation of Bartholomaeus Anglicus De proprietatibus rerum : a critical text
Oxford, Ed. by Michael Seymour, Clarendon Press.

Bartocetti Vittorio (1926).
Un interpretazione mistica della natura in S. Pier Damiano
Scuola Cattolica, 7:246-276, 337-352.

Bartosiewicz László (2005).
Crane: food, pet and symbol
In: Feathers, grit and symbolism. Birds and humans in the ancient old and new worlds, ed. by G. Grupe/Y. Peters, Rahden, pp. 259-270.

Baruzzi Marina and Montanari Massimo (1981).
Porci e porcari nel Medioevo. Paesaggio, economia, alimentazione

Bashear S (1991).
Riding beasts on divine mission: an examination of the ass and camel traditions
Journal of Semitic Studies, 36:37-75.

Bashear S (1991).
Riding beasts on divine mission: an examination of the ass and camel traditions
Journal of Semitic Studies, 36:37-75.

Bashear S (1991).
Riding beasts on divine mission: an examination of the ass and camel traditions
Journal of Semitic Studies, 36:37-75.

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