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Referenzen auf Publikationen, sortiert nach Erscheinungsjahr und Autoren.

Houwen L (1994).
Animal parallelism in Medieval literature and the bestiaries
Neophilologus, 78:1-14.

Houwen Lunk (1994).
Animal parallelism in medieval literature and the bestiaries: a preliminary investigation
Neophilologus, 78:483-496.

Houwen Luuk (1994).
The Deidis of Armorie. A heraldic treatise and bestiary
Edinburgh, The Scottish Text Society, vols. 2. (ISBN: 1897976097).

Houwen Luuk (1994).
The Deidis of Armorie. A heraldic treatise and bestiary
Edinburgh, The Scottish Text Society, vols. 2. (ISBN: 1897976097).

Houwen L (1991).
A Scots translation of a Middle Franck bestiary
Studies in Scottish literature, 25:207-217.

Houwen L (1991).
A Scots translation of a Middle Franck bestiary
Studies in Scottish literature, 25:207-217.

Houwen L (1991).
Harley 6149, ff. 15v-42. A Scots translation of a Middle French bestiary
Studies in Scottish language and literature, 26:207-217.

Houwen Luuk and Eley Penny (1992).
A fifteenth-century French heraldic bestiary
Zeitschrift für romanische Philologie, 108:460-514.

Houwen L and Gosman M (1991).
Un traité d'héraldique inédit: le ms. Londres; Collège des Hérants, M 19, F. 79v-95
Romania, 112:488-521.

Houwen Luuk (2007).
'From dumb beasts learn wisdom and knowledge.' Animal Symbolism in the 'Ancrene Wisse'
Das Mittelalter, 12(2):97-118.

Houwen Luuk (2007).
"From dumb beasts learn wisdom and knowledge". Animal Symbolism in the 'Ancrene Wisse'
In: Das Mittelalter. Perspektiven mediävistischer Forschung: Tier und Religion. Zeitschrift des Mediävistenverbandes. Herausgegeben von Gerlinde Huber-Rebenich im Auftrag des Präsidiums des Mediävistenverbandes., ed. by Honegger, Thomas/Rohr, W. Günther. Akademie Verlag, Berlin, vol. 12(2), pp. 97-118.

HOUWEN Luuk (1999).
Exemplum et similitudo: natural law in the Manciple's Tale and the Squire's Tale
In: Chaucer in Perspective: Middle English Essays in Honour of Norman Blake, ed. by Geoffrey LESTER, Sheffield: Sheffield Academic Press, pp. 100-117.

Houwen Luuk (1997).
Animals and the Symbolic in Medieval Art and Literature
Groningen, Egbert Forsten. Mediaevalia Groningiana. 20.

Houwen Luuk (1997).
Animals and the symbolic in mediaeval art and literature
Groningen, Egbert Forston. Mediaevalia Groningiana. XX.

Houwen Luuk (1997).
Flattery and the mermaid in Chaucer's Nun's Priest's Tale
In: Animals and the Symbolic in Mediaeval Art and Literature, ed. by Luuk A. J. R. Houwen. Egbert Forsten, Groningen Mediaevalia Groningana. 20. .

Houwen Luuk (1997).
Animals and the symbolic in mediaeval art and literature
Groningen, Egbert Forston. Mediaevalia Groningiana. XX.

Houwen Luuk (1996).
Animals and the symbolic in mediaeval art and literature
Groningen, Ed. by General editor A.A. MacDonald, Egbert Forsten. Mediaevalia Groningana. (ISBN: 90-6980-097-7). XX.

Houwen Luuk (1994).
Vrouwen met vinnen en klauwen: de traditie van de zeemeermin in de Middelengelse literatuur
Millennium: Tijdschrift voor Middeleeuwse Studies, 8(1):3-17.

Houwen Luuk (1994).
Dieren, dierensymboliek en dierenboeken in de Middeleeuwen
Groniek: Historisch Tijdschrift, 28(126):20-31.

Houwen Luc (1996).
Animals and the symbolic in mediaeval art and literature
Groningen, Egbert Forsten. (ISBN: 90-6980-097-7).

Howard Frank and Crossley F (1917).
English Church Woodwork: a Study in Craftsmanship During the Medieval Period AD 1250-1550
London, B. T. Batsford.

Howe M (1983).
A medieval knife handle from Crowland, Lincolnshire
Medieval Archaeology, 27:146-150.

Howe W (1912).
Animal life in Italian painting

Hrabanus Maurus (1994).
De rerum naturis: Cod. Casin. 132, Archivio dell'Abbazia di Montecassino
Turin, Ed. by Guglielmo Cavallo, Priuli & Verlucca.

Hubaux I and Leroy M (1939).
Le mythe du phénix dans les littératures grecque et latine
Liège/Paris, Faculté de philosophie et lettres / Librairie E. Droz. Bibliothèque de la Faculté de Philosophie et Lettres de l'Université de Liège. 87.

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