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References to publications, sorted by year and author.

Hilka Alfons (1915).
Die anglo-normannische Versversion des Briefes des Presbyters Johannes
Zeitschrift für Französische Sprache und Litteratur, XLIII:82-112.

Hill David (1995).
The crane and the gyrfalcon in Anglo-Saxon England
Medieval Life, 3:32; 24.

Hill R.H (1906).
"Little Mote, Eynsford, with a Pedigree of the Sybill Family"
Archaeologica Cantiana, 26:198-204.

Hill R (1906).
Little Mote, Eynsford, with a Pedigree of the Sybill Family
Archaeologia Cantiana, 26:198-204.

Hill Thomas (1987).
Enide's colored horse and salernitan color theory
Romania, 108:523-527.

Hill Thomas (1987).
Enide's colored horse and salernitan color theory
Romania, 108:523-527.

Hillgarth J.H (1990).
Isidorian Studies 1976-85
Studi Medievali, 31:925-973.

Hilzheimer M (1937).
Die Geschichte eines Wisenthorns und ein neuentdecktes Horn vom Ur (Bos primigentius)
Zeitschrift für wissentschaftliche Zoologie, 150:97-106.

Himmer Paul (1980).
Oksen og aeslet i og omkring fødselfremstillinger
Iconographisk Post, 3:24-31.

Hinks H (1938).
The Master of Animals
Journal of the Warburg Institute, 1:260-276.

Hinton Norman (1996).
The werewolf as "eiron": freedom and comedy in "William of Palerne"
In: Animal in the Middle Ages, ed. by N. Flores, New York/London, pp. 133-146.

Hinton Norman (1996).
The Werewolf as Eiron: Freedom and Comedy in William of Palerne
In: Animals in the Middle Ages: A Book of Essays, ed. by Nona C. Flores. Garland Publishing, New York, pp. 133-146.

Hinton Norman (1996).
The werewolf as "eiron": freedom and comedy in "William of Palerne"
In: Animal in the Middle Ages: A Book of Essays, ed. by Nona C. Flores. Garland Publishing, Inc., New York/London, pp. 133-146.

Hinton Norman (1996).
The Werewolf as Eiron: Freedom and Comedy in William of Palerne
In: Animals in the Middle Ages: A Book of Essays, ed. by Nona C. Flores. Garland Publishing, New York Garland Medieval Casebooks . 13. , pp. 133-146.

Hirschmann L (1943).
Tierhaltung, tierische Erzeugnisse und Tierheilkunde in Bibel, Talmud und Koran
München, Thèse.

Hjort O (1968).
L'oiseau dans la cage: exemples médiévaux à Rome
Cahiers Archéologiques, XVIII:21-32.

Hobgood-Oster Laura (2007).
Holy Dogs and Asses: Stories Told through Animal Saints
In: What Are the Animals to Us? Approaches from Science, Religion, Folklore, Literature, and Art, ed. by Aftandilian, Dave / Copeland, Marion / Wilson, David Scofield. University of Tennessee, Knoxville, pp. 189-203.

Hobusch Erich (1990).
In alten Jagdchroniken geblättert

Hobusch E (1990).
In alten Jagdchroniken geblättert

Hochkirchen Eva-Maria (2015).
Präsenz des Singvogels im Minnesang und in der Trouvèrepoesie
Heidelberg, Winter. Beiträge zur älteren Literaturgeschichte.

Hodgson Natasha (2013).
Lions, tigers and bears: encounters with wild animals and bestial imagery in the context of crusading the Latin East
Viator, 44(1):65-93.

Hoegarts Josephine and Segers Yves (2018).
Dieren, mensen en hun sociale geschiedenis
Leuven, Leuven University Press. (ISBN: 9789462701687).

Hoek Michelle (1997).
Anglo-Saxon Innovation and the Use of the Senses in the Old English Physiologus Poems
Studia Neophilologica, 69:1-10.

Hoffman Michelle (1999).
A forgotten bestiary: St. John's College, Cambridge, MS A. 15
Notes and queries, 244:445-447.

Hoffmann Richard (2002).
Carp, Cods, Connections: New Fisheries in the Medieval European Economy and Environment
In: Animals in Human Histories: The Mirror of Nature and Culture, ed. by Henninger-Voss, Mary J.. University of Rochester Press, Rochester, pp. 3-55.

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