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References to publications, sorted by year and author.

Hahn C (1979).
The creation of the cosmos: Genesis illustration in the Octateuchs
Cahiers Archéologiques Paris, 28:29-40.

Hahn C (1977).
The crow and the Biblical Creation narratives
Critical Quarterly, 19:43-52.

Hainz Martin (2007).
Der Frosch als Wille und Vorstellung
In: Tiere, Texte, Spuren, ed. by Norbert Otto Eke/Eva Geulen, Berlin Zeitschrift für deutsche Philologie. 126, Sonderheft. , pp. 63-81.

Haist Margaret (1999).
The lion. Bloodline and kingship
In: The Mark of the Beast: The Medieval Bestiary in Art, Life, and Literature, ed. by Debra Hassig. Garland, New York/London, pp. 3-22.

Haist Margaret (1999).
The lion. Bloodline and kingship
In: The mark of the beast, ed. by D. Hassig, New York/London, pp. 3-22.

Halard Xavier (1983).
Le loup aux XIVe et XVIe siècles en Normandie
Annales de Normandie, 33:189-197.

Halard Xavier (1983).
La pêche du saumon en Normandie du XIe au XVe siècle
Journal of Medieval History, 9:173-78.

Halard Xavier (1983).
Le loup aux XIVe et XVIe siècles en Normandie
Annales de Normandie, 33:189-197.

Hall Daniel and Angus Farson (1975).
Mysterious Monsters
New York, Mayflower Books.

Hall J (1920).
Selections from Early Middle English

Hall J (1991).
The Classification of Birds in Aristotle and Early Medieval Naturalists
History and Science, 29:111-151, 223-243.

Hall J (1991).
The Classification of Birds in Aristoteles and early modern naturalists
History of Science, 29(84-84):111-151; 223-243.

Hall J (1979).
The bird cataractes
Journal of Hellenic Studies, 99:163-164.

Hall J (1979).
The bird cataractes
Journal of Hellenic Studies, 99:163-164.

Hallbeck Einar (1905).
The language of the Middle English bestiary
Cristianstad, Länstidning Press.

Halleux R (1989).
Recettes d’artisan, recettes d’alchimiste
In: Artes mechanicae en Europe médiévale. Actes du colloque du 15 octobre 1987, ed. by R. JANSEN-SIEBEN , Brüssel, pp. 25-42.

Halleux Robert (1974).
Damigéron, Evax et Marbode: l'héritage alexandrin dans les lapidaires médiévaux
Studi medievali, 3rd series , 15(1):327-347.

Halliday W (1922).
Classical Review, 36:110-112.

Halna-Klein E (1995).
Sur les traces du lynx

Halna-Klein E (1995).
Sur les traces du lynx

Ham E.B (1939).
The Cambrai Bestiary
Modern Philology, XXXVI:225-237.

Ham E.B (1938/39).
The Cambrai bestiary
Modern Philology, XXXVI:225-237.

Hamann R (1939).
Das Tier in der romanischen Plastik Frankreichs
In: Medieval studies in memory of A.K. Porter, ed. by W. Koehler, Boston, vol. II, pp. 413-52.

Hambroer Johannes (1966).
Der Hahn als Löwenschreck im Mittelalter
Zeitschrift für Religions- und Geistesgeschichte, 18(3):237-254.

Hammer-Purgstall J (1840).
Falknerklee, bestehend in drey ungedruckten Werken über die Falknerey

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