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References to publications, sorted by year and author.

Fabrizio-Costa Silvia (2001).
Phénix = mythe(s) et signe(s). Actes du colloque international de Caen, oct. 2000

Faidutti Bruno (1996).
Images et connaissance de la licorne (fin du Moyen Age - XIXe siècle)

Faidutti Bruno (1996).
Images et connaissance de la licorne (fin du Moyen Age - XIXe siècle)

Falk H (1925).
Die altnordischen Namen der Beizvögel

Faraci Dora (2003).
Simbolismo animale e letteratura
Manziana, Vecchiarelli. Memoria Bibliografica. 42.

Faraci Dora (2003).
Per una determinazione della sfera di fruizione dei bestiari
In: Simbolismo animale e letteratura, ed. by Faraci, Dora. Vecchiarelli, Manziana Memoria Bibliografica. 42. , pp. 89-119.

Faraci Dora (2003).
Considerazioni su parola e immagine nella tradizione dei bestiari medievali
In: Simbolismo animale e letteratura, ed. by Faraci, Dora. Vecchiarelli, Manziana, pp. 9-36.

Faraci Dora (2000).
Sources and cultural background. The example of the Old English Phoenix
Rivista di cultura classica medioevale, 42(2):225-239.

Faraci Dora (2000).
Sources and cultural background. The example of the Old English Phoenix
Rivista di cultura classica medioevale, 42(2):225-239.

Faraci Dora (1994).
The bestiary and its sources: some examples
Reinardus, 7:31-44.

Faraci Dora (1991).
Navagatio Sancti Brendani and its Relationship with Physiologus
Romanobarbarica, 11:149-173.

Faraci Dora (1990/91).
"Navigatio Sancti Brendani" and its relationship with "Physiologus"
Romanobarbarica, 11:149-173.

Faraci Dora (1990).
The "gleda" chapter in the Old Icelandic Physiologus
Bibliotheca Arnamagnaena, 39(9):108-126.

Faraci Dora (1990).
The Gleda Chapter in the Old Icelandic Physiologus
In: Opuscula, ed. by XX. Reitzel, Kopenhagen Bibliotheca Arnamagnaeana., pp. 108-126.

Faraci Dora (1990).
Il Bestiario Medio Inglese (Ms. Arundel 292 della British Library)
L'Aquila / Rom, Japadre Editore. Summa promiscua. 5.

Faral Edmond (1953).
La queue de poisson des sirènes
Romania, LXXIV:433-506.

Faral E (1920).
Notice sur le manuscrit latin de la Bibl. Nat. No. 3718
Romania, 46:239-?.

Farkas et al. Ann (1987).
Monsters and Demons in the Ancient and Medieval Worlds. Papers Presented in Honor of Edith Porada
Mainz: Phillip von Zabern.

Farley Jack (1981).
The Misericords of Gloucester Cathedral
Gloucester, The King's School.

Fasbender Christoph (2007).
Siegfrieds Wald-Tod. Versuch über die Semantik von Räumen im Nibelungenlied
In: Außen und Innen. Räume und ihre Symbolik im Mittelalter, ed. by Nikolaus Staubach, Vera Johanterwage. Peter Lang, Frankfurt et al. Tradition - Reform - Innovation. Studien zur Modernität des Mittelalters. 14. , pp. 13-24.

Fasbender Christoph (2003/04).
Eckes Pferd
Jahrbuch der Oswald von Wolkenstein Gesellschaft(14):41-51.

Fasbender Christoph (1996/97).
Funktionalisierte Naturkunde in Konrads von Megenberg Yconomica - und im Buch der Natur
Mediaevistik: Internationale Zeitschrift für interdisziplinäre Mittelalterforschung, 9:77-90.

Fasbender Christoph (1995).
Daz vêch tierl: Zu Konrads von Megenberg Buch der Natur 158,5ff.
Beiträge zur Geschichte der deutschen Sprache und Literatur, 117(3):432-436.

Fassbender Christoph (1996).
Funktionalisierte Naturkunde in Konrad von Megenberg "Yconomia" und im "Buch der Natur"
Mediaevistik, 9:77-90.

Fassò Andrea (1981).
Erec, lo sparviero e il cervo bianco
Lectures, 7-8:57-89.

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