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References to publications, sorted by year and author.

Courcelle Pierre (1967).
Saint Benoît, le merle et le buisson d'épines
Journal des Savants:154-161.

Couret Alain and Oge Frédéric (1989).
Histoire et animal
Toulouse, Presse de l'Inst. d'Etudes Politiques de Toulouse.

Couret Alain and Oge Frédéric (1989).
Homme, animal, société
Toulouse, vols. 3. Presses de l'Institut d'études politiques.

Couret Alain and Oge Frédéric (1989).
Histoire et animal
Toulouse, Presse de l'Inst. d'Etudes Politiques de Toulouse.

Couret A and Oge F (1989).
Homme, animal, société. Histoire et animal
Toulouse. Presses de l'Institut d'études politiques.

Courteas Nicholas (2014).
Animals and the Law: a Comparison involving Three Thirteenth-Century Legal Texts from the Latin East
In: Deeds Done Beyond the Sea: Essays on William of Tyre, Cyprus and the Military Orders presented to Peter Edbury, ed. by Susan B. Edington, Helen J. Nicholson. Ashgate, Farnham Crusades - Subsidia. 6. , pp. 135-144.

Courtenay William (1997).
Konrad von Megenberg: the Parisian years
Vivarium, 35:102-124.

Couturas C (1995).
Les exemples animaliers dans l'Apologie de Raimond Sebond
Bulletin de la société des amis de Montaigne, 39/40:54-57.

Couturier D (1982).
Les coqs des clochers
Estampille, 147:47-53.

Cova Luciano (2000).
Animali e renovatio mundi. I perché di un'assenza
Micrologus, 8:177-196.

Cova Luciano (2000).
Animali e renovatio mundi. I perché di un' assenza
Micrologus, 8:177-196.

Cox John (1916).
Bench-Ends in English Churches
London, Oxford University Press. Church Art in England.

Cox P (1983).
The "Physiologus": A "Poeisis" of nature
Church History, 52(4):433-443.

Cox R (1991).
Snake Rings in “Deor” and Volundarkvida
Leeds Studies in English, N.S., 22:1-20.

Cox Trenchard (1959).
The Twelfth-Century Design Sources of the Worcester Cathedral Misericords
Society of Antiquaries, Archaeologia.

Coy Jennie (1989).
The provision of fowls and fish for towns
In: Diet and crafts in towns. The evidence of animal remains from the Roman to the post-medieval Periods, ed. by ?, Oxford, pp. 25-40.

Coy Jennie (1987).
Non-domestic faunal resources in the Southwest
In: Studies in Palaeoeconomy and environment in south west England, ed. by xx, Oxford, pp. 9-29.

Coy Jennie (1982).
The role of wild vertebrate fauna in urban economies in Wessex
Council for British Archaeology. Research Reports, 43:107-116.

Crab Jan (1968).
The great copper pelican in the choir: the lectern of the church of St. Peter in Louvain
The Metropolitan Museum of Art Bulletin, 26:401-406.

Crabtree Pam (1989).
Sheep, Horses, Swine, and Kine. A Zooarchaeological Perspective on the Anglo-Saxon Settlement of England
Journal of Field Archaeology, 16(2):205–213.

Crabtree Pam (1989).
Sheep, Horses, Swine, and Kine. A Zooarchaeological Perspective on the Anglo-Saxon Settlement of England
Journal of Field Archaeology, 16(2):205–213.

Crabtree Pam (1989).
Sheep, Horses, Swine, and Kine. A Zooarchaeological Perspective on the Anglo-Saxon Settlement of England
Journal of Field Archaeology, 16(2):205–213.

Crabtree Pam (1989).
Sheep, Horses, Swine, and Kine. A Zooarchaeological Perspective on the Anglo-Saxon Settlement of England
Journal of Field Archaeology, 16(2):205–213.

Crane Susan (2007).
How to translate a Werewolf?
In: The Medieval Translator, ed. by Jacqueline Jenkins/Olivier Bertrand. Brepols, Turnhout, pp. 365-374.

Cranga Françoise and Cranga Yves (1991).
L'escargot. Zoologie, symbolique, imaginaire, médecine et gastronomie

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