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References to publications, sorted by year and author.

Clark Willene (2000).
The animal chapters in the St. Petersburg "Li Livres dou Tresor"
In: Le Livres dou Tresor. Brunetto Latini, facs.. Moleiro, Barcelona, pp. 138-170.

Clark Willene (1996).
Twelfth and thirteenth-century Latin sermons and the Latin bestiary
Compar(a)ison, 1:5-19.

Clark Willeme (1995).
Zoology in the medieval Latin bestiary
In: Man and nature in the Middle Ages, ed. by S.J. Ridyard / R.G. Benson, Sewanee (Tenn.) Sewanee Mediaeval Studies. 6. , pp. 223-245.

Clark Willene (1992).
The Medieval Book of Birds. Hugues of Fouilloy's Aviarium
Binghamton / New York , MRTS. Medieval and Renaissance Texts and Studies. 80.

Clark Willene (1992).
The Medieval Book of Birds. Hugh of Fouilloy's Aviarum
New York. Medieval and Renaissance Texts and Studies.

Clark Willene (1989).
The Aviary-Bestiary at the Houghton Library, Harvard
In: Beasts and birds of the middle ages. The bestiary and its legacy, ed. by Willene B. Clark/Meradith McMunn . University of Pennsylvania Press, Philadelphia, pp. 26-52.

Clark Willane (1982).
The illustrated medieval aviary and the laybrotherhood
Gesta, XXI:63-74.

Clark Willene (1982).
The Illustrated Medieval Aviary and the Lay Brotherhood
Gesta, 21(1):63-74.

Clark Willene (1980).
Text and picture in the medieval aviary
Manuscripts, XXIV(1):5.

Clark Willene and McMunn Meradith (1989).
Beasts and birds of the Middle Ages. The bestiary and its legacy
Philadelphia, University of Pennsylvania Press. Middle Ages Series.

Clark-Rundle R (1949).
The Legend of the Phoenix
University of Birmingham Historical Journal, 2(1).

Clason A.T (1979).
Dieren in middeleeuws Alkmaar
Alkmaarse Historische Reeks, 3:55-62.

Clason A.T (1967).
Animal and man in Holland's past
Palaeohistoria, XIII A:1-247.

Classen A (2007).
The dog in German courtly literature. The mystical, the magical and the loyal animal
In: Fauna and Flora in the middle ages. Studies of the Medieval Environment and its Impact on the Human Mind. Papers Delivered at the International Medieval Congress, Leeds, in 2000, 2001 and 2002, ed. by S. Hartmann, Frankfurt a.M., pp. 67-86.

Claussen Bruno and Schröder Edward (1917).
Vogelsprake. Gelückeboeck
Korrespondenzblatt des Vereins für niederdeutsche Sprachforschung, XXXVI:72-77.

Clavel Benoît (2005).
Étude des faunes picardes de la fin du Moyen Âge à la Renaissance
Revue archéologique de Picardie, 3(1):268-275.

Claxton Ann (1988).
The sign of the dog: an examination of the Devonshire hunting tapestries
Journal of Medieval History, XIV:127-179.

Clayton-Henderson A (1978).
Or heigh or lough Estat: Medieval fabulists as social critics
Viator, 9:265-290.

Cleaver Laura (2009).
Disorder in nature: The Example of the Ass and Harp in Twelfth-Century Manuscripts
In: Art & Nature. Studies in Medieval Art and Architecture, ed. by Laura Cleaver - Kathryn Gerry - Jim Harris. The Courteauld Institute of Arts, London, pp. 131-143.

Clebert J.P (1971).
Bestiaire fabuleux

Clebert J.P (1971).
Bestiaire fabuleux

Clemens Jacques (1991).
Un dessin de vache béarnaise à la fin du XIIIe siècle à Sérignac-sur-Garonne
Revue de Pau et du Béarn, 18:25-34.

Clermont-Ganneau C (1901).
Les cerfs mangeurs de serpents
Recueil d'archéologie orientale, 4:319-22.

Clinton K (1973).
Apollo, Pan, and Zeus: avengers of vultures: "Agamemnon" 55-59
American Journal of Philology, 94:282-288.

Clouzot Martine (1999).
La musique des marges. L'iconographie des animaux et des êtres hybrides musiciens dans les manuscrits enluminés des XIIIe et XIV siècles
Cahiers de Civilisation Médiévale, 42:323-342.

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